Abstract | Ciljevi istraživanja: Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su utvrditi učestalost korištenja stimulansa, vrstu stimulansa, okolnosti i način uzimanja, sociodemografska i socioekonomska obilježja ispitanika te njihov akademski uspjeh. Nadalje, cilj je bio utvrditi moguću povezanost korištenja stimulansa s akademskim uspjehom u studentskoj populaciji te sociodemografskim i socioekonomskim obilježjima ispitanika. Nacrt istraživanja: Presječno istraživanje. Ispitanici i metode: Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 373 studenata završnih godina preddiplomskih studijskih programa Sveučilišta u Osijeku. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom ožujka i travnja 2019., a bili su obuhvaćeni svi fakulteti u Osijeku. Istraživanje je provedeno anonimnim anketnim upitnikom koji se sastoji od pitanja o korištenju raznih psihostimulansa, navikama učenja i akademskom uspjehu te od sociodemografskih i socioekonomskih pitanja. Rezultati: Među 373 ispitanika, 40,8 % pije kavu više puta dnevno, a 12,1 % svaki dan samo ujutro. Najčešći je razlog ispijanja kave njen okus. 58 % ispitanika rijetko pije čaj, a 26,5 % ispitanika pije čaj par puta tjedno. Marihuanu nikada nije probalo 37,8 % ispitanika, a najčešći je razlog korištenja marihuane iz zabave. 80,7 % ispitanika nije nikada probalo tablete za povećanu koncentraciju i bolje pamćenje. Energetska pića ponekad pije 48,5 % ispitanika, a nikada 45,3 % ispitanika. Najviše je studenata koji nikada ne piju kavu, čaj ili energetska pića nezaposleno. Zaključak: Nije pronađena povezanost između socioekonomskih i sociodemografskih obilježja ispitanika s korištenjem stimulansa i akademskim uspjehom studenata. Nema značajne razlike u prosjeku ocjena studenata koji koriste stimulanse i studenata koji ih ne koriste. |
Abstract (english) | Objective: The aims of this research were to determine the frequency of stimulants use, type of stimulants used, circumstances and the mode of administration, socio-demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the respondents who use stimulants and their academic success. Furthermore, the aim was toinspect the possible correlation of the stimulants use and academic success in the student population. Study Design: Cross-sectional study Participants and Methods: The study included 373 3rd-year undergraduate students of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek. The survey was conducted in March and April 2019 and it included all faculties in Osijek, which are part of the University. Anonymous questionnaire was used to gather the necessary data on the use of various stimulants, study habits and academic success as well as socio-demographic and socio-economic data. Results: Among 373 respondents, 40.8 % have coffee multiple times a day and 12.1 % drink it only in the morning. The most common reason for having coffee is the taste. 58 % of respondents rarely have tea, and 26.5% of respondents have tea several times a week. 37.8 % of respondents have never tried marijuana, while the most common reason for using marijuana is fun. 80.7 % of the respondents have never tried concentration and memory enhancing pills (nootropics). 48.5 % of respondents sometimes have energy drinks, while 45.3 % of respondents never take them. The majority of respondents who do not have coffee, tea or energy drinks is unemployed. Conclusion: Correlation was not found between the socioeconomic and socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents with the stimulants use and academic success. There is no significant difference in GPA of respondents who use stimulants and those who do not use them. |