Abstract | Ciljevi istraživanja: Ciljevi su ovog istraživanja ispitati pojavnost socijalne anksioznosti u studenata Medicinskog fakulteta u Osijeku te utjecaj socijalne anksioznosti na uspješnost izvršavanja studentskih obveza. Nacrt studije: Presječna studija Ispitanici i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno na 120 studenata obaju spolova, medijana dobi 23 godine. Pomoću digitalnog upitnika bilježeni su dob, spol, godina studija, postojanje dijagnoze mentalne ili kronične tjelesne bolesti, mentalne bolesti u obitelji, broj braće i sestara te redoslijed rođenja u obitelji. Nakon toga ispitanici su popunjavali upitnik Američkog udruženja psihijatara, u kojem su odabirali ponuđene intenzitete tjelesnih i mentalnih pojava povezanih sa socijalnom anksioznošću te Liebowitzevu skalu socijalne anksioznosti, u kojoj su navedene specifične situacije koje izazivaju napade anksioznosti i izbjegavanja. Za statističku analizu korišten je statistički program MedCalc Statistical Software version 19.1.7 (MedCalc Software Ltd, Ostend, Belgium; https://www.medcalc.org; 2020). Rezultati: Prema skali Američkog udruženja psihijatara socijalna se anksioznost pojavljuje u različitom spektru kod 52,5 % ispitanika (4,1 % ukupnog broja pripada teškoj i ekstremnoj skupini). Liebowitzeva skala pokazuje da kod 30 % ispitanika postoji pojava nekog oblika socijalne anksioznosti, pri čemu je trećina teška i vrlo teška. Spearmanovim koeficijentom (Rho = -0,203 P = 0,03 za 1. skalu i Rho = -0,215 P = 0,02 za Liebowitzevu skalu) primijećena je negativna povezanost prosjeka ocjena s pojavnošću socijalne anksioznosti, što pokazuje da jači stupanj socijalne anksioznosti negativno djeluje na ocjene. Zaključak: Socijalna se anksioznost pojavljuje kod značajnog broja studenata Medicinskog fakulteta u Osijeku te ona negativno djeluje na uspjeh studenata. |
Abstract (english) | Objective: The aim of the study was to examine the prevalence of social anxiety in students of Faculty of Medicine in Osijek and to determine its influence on carrying out student duties. Study design: Cross-sectional study. Participants and methods: The study was carried out on 120 students of both sexes, median age 23. The data was collected through an online survey. The information about age, sex, year of study, existence of mental illness or physical illness was collected, as well as the existence of mental disorders in the family history, the number of siblings and as which one of the siblings was the examined born into the family. After those questions, the examined had to fill out two different surveys- one by The American Association of Psychiatrists which contained various physical and mental sensations linked to social anxiety which may have occured in social situations in the past 7 days, and the other, the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, which contained various described situations and asked the examined to rate the occurance of anxiety and avoidance in those specific situations. The statistical program MedCalc Statistical Software version 19.1.7 (MedCalc Software Ltd, Ostend, Belgium; https://www.medcalc.org; 2020) was used in the statistical analysis. Results: According to the first scale, social anxiety is occurring, in a vide spectrum, in 52,5 % of the examined students. According to the second scale, social anxiety is occurring in 30 % of the examined, one third which of belonging to severe and very severe social anxiety. Using Spearman coefficient (Rho = -0,203 P = 0,03 for the first scale and Rho = -0,215 P = 0,02 for Liebowitz Scale) a negative correlation between severity of social anxiety and grades was perceived. The examined who had more severe varieties of social anxiety had lower grades than those who had mild symptoms or none of them. Conclusion: Social anxiety is occurring in a significant number of students of the Medical Faculty of Osijek and it has adverse effects on carrying out student duties. |