Abstract | CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je proučiti profil pacijenata sa sumnjom na bolest koronarne mikrocirkulacije tj. utvrditi pojavnost rizičnih faktora kao što su dob, spol, hipertenzija, hiperlipidemija, dijabetes, pušenje cigareta, pozitivna obiteljska anamneza i BMI među pacijentima hospitaliziranim s dijagnozom akutnog koronarnog sindroma a s urednim nalazom koronarografije ili bez signifikantnih stenoza.
USTROJ STUDIJE. Provedeno je retrospektivno istraživanje na pacijentima kojima je napravljena koronarografija te se pregledom postojećih ambulantnih listova i povijesti bolesti dobio uvid u potrebne podatke o pacijentima.
ISPITANICI I METODE. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 30 pacijenata Odjela za bolesti srca i krvnih žila Kliničkog bolničkog centra Osijek, a kojima je prethodno učinjena koronarografija koja je pokazala spori protok u epikardijalnim koronarnim arterijama, a bez signifikantnih stenoza istih, uz klinički nalaz boli u prsima, EKG nalaz koji je upućivao na ishemiju miokarda i pozitivne biokemijske markere u krvi. Metode kojima se došlo do tih podataka obuhvaćale su mjerenje tjelesne težine i visine te računanje indeksa tjelesne mase, mjerenje krvnoga tlaka, vađenje krvi i mjerenje razina kolesterola, triglicerida, HDL-a i LDL-a u krvi, određivanje razine glukoze u krvi. Podatke o pušenju i o obiteljskoj anamnezi pacijenti su usmeno davali tijekom liječničkih pregleda.
REZULTATI. Od 30 ispitanika 14 je bilo muškaraca i 16 žena (p = 0,856), s medijanom dobi od 57,5 godina. Hipertenziju je imalo 23 (76,67 %) ispitanika (p = 0,005), dijabetes 8 (26,67 %), (p = 0,016). Hiperlipidemiju je imao 21 (70 %) ispitanik, (p = 0,04). Pozitivnu obiteljsku anamnezu imalo je 5 (16,67 %) ispitanika, (p < 0,001) dok je pušača bilo 8 (26,67 %), (p < 0,001). Medijan vrijednosti BMI-a iznosio je 29,9. Od 30 ispitanika 1 je imao BMI manji od 20 (3,33 %), 7 ispitanika (23,33 %) imalo je vrijednosti BMI-a između 20 i 25, a najviše ispitanika, 22 (73,33 %) imalo je vrijednosti BMI-a veće od 25. Uspoređujući rizične čimbenike prema spolu, nije pronađena statistički značajna razlika za hipertenziju, hiperlipidemiju, dijabetes, pozitivnu obiteljsku anamnezu i pušenje. Statistički značajna razlika nađena je u medijanu dobi (p = 0,032), gdje je vidljivo da su muškarci obolijevali s medijanom dobi u 48., a žene u 58. godini.
ZAKLJUČAK. Nađena je statistički značajna povezanost rizičnih čimbenika kao što su hipertenzija, hiperlipidemija i prekomjerna tjelesna težina s bolestima mikrocirkulacije miokarda. Također, značajna je i razlika u dobi u kojoj se bolest prvu puta javlja kod muškaraca i žena, jer se kod muškaraca javlja u petom desetljeću života, a kod žena 10 godina kasnije, odnosno u šestom desetljeću života. |
Abstract (english) | Objective: The aim of this research was to examine the characteristics of patients suspected with coronary microcirculation. The aim of this research was to examine the characteristics of patients suspected with coronary microcirculation, i.e. to determine the incidence of risk factors such as age, sex, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, smoking, family history and BMI in patients hospitalized with a diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome and with normal findings of coronary angiography or no significant stenosis.
Study outline: A retrospective study was conducted on patients who have undergone coronary angiography. Also, additional patients' data was obtained from the patients' medical history.
Participants and methods: The study included 30 patients of the Department for heart diseases and blood vessels of the Clinical Hospital Centre Osijek. Patients were previously subjected to coronary angiography which indicated slow blood flow in the epicardial coronary arteries without significant stenosis, with a clinical diagnosis of chest pain, ECG, which referred to myocardial ischemia and positive biochemical markers in the blood. Methods included the measurement of body weight and height, calculating the body mass index, blood pressure measurements, blood sampling and measurement of the levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and LDL in the blood, as well as the determining blood glucose levels. Data on smoking and family history of the patients were given orally during medical examinations.
Results: Out of the total of 30 patients, 14 were men and 16 women (p = 0.856), with a median age of 57.5 years. 23 (76.67%) patients (p = 0.005) had hypertension, 8 (26.67%), (p = 0.016) had diabetes. Hyperlipidemia was diagnosed in 21 (70%) patients, (p = 0.04). A positive family history was found in 5 (16.67%) respondents, (p<0.001) while 8 (26.67%) (p <0.001) patients declared they were smokers. The median value of BMI was 29.9. Of the 30 patients, only 1 had BMI values less than 20 (3.33%), 7 patients (23.33%) had BMI values between 20 and 25, and most respondents, 22 (73.33%) had BMI values higher than 25. In comparing risk factors by gender, statistically significant difference for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, family history and smoking was not found. Statistically significant difference was found in the median age (p=0.032), where men were diagnosed with the disease at a median age of 48, and women at the age of 58.
Conclusion: There was a statistically significant correlation of risk factors such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia and obesity with myocardial microcirculation diseases. Also, significant difference was found in the age at which the disease occurs for first times in men and women, where it occurs in the fifth decade of life in men, and for women 10 years later, i.e. in the sixth decade of life. |