Abstract | CILJEVI ISTRAŽIVANJA: Ispitati povezanost serološkog profila autoimunih protutijela s
kliničkim obilježjima i ishodom bolesti u bolesnika sa SS-om te ispitati prisutnost pridruženih
bolesti i pojavnost hematoloških malignih bolesti u bolesnika sa SS-om.
NACRT STUDIJE: Presječna studija s povijesnim podacima.
ISPITANICI I METODE: U istraživanje su uključeni pacijenti oboljeli od SS-a, oba spola te
svih dobnih skupina, koji su u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 2017. do 31. prosinca 2021. godine
liječeni na Zavodu za reumatologiju, kliničku imunologiju i alergologiju; KBC-a Osijek. Njihovi
su podaci prikupljeni pomoću BIS-a, a potom su analizirani i statistički obrađeni.
REZULTATI: U istraživanje je uključeno ukupno 68 pacijenata, 66 (97 %) žena i 2 (3 %)
muškarca. Aritmetička sredina njihove dobi iznosila je 63,4±12,19 godine. U najvećem postotku
bolest je zahvatila žlijezde slinovnice (87 %) i suzne žlijezde (85 %), zatim zglobove, odnosno
koštano-mišićni sustav (65 %) i kožu (31 %), a dvije pacijentice (3 %) razvile su hematološku
malignu bolest. Protutijela anti-Ro60 pozitivna su kod 74 % pacijenta, od kojih 21 ima niži, 28
umjereni i 1 visoki titar protutijela. Protutijela anti-Ro52 pozitivna su kod 69 % pacijenta od
kojih 7 ima niži, 20 umjereni i 20 visoki titar protutijela. Protutijela anti-La pozitivna su kod 32
% pacijenta od kojih 12 ima niži, 9 umjereni i 1 visoki titar protutijela.
ZAKLJUČAK: Pozitivan titar autoimunih protutijela korelira s težinom bolesti, tj. s većim
brojem zahvaćenih organa i organskih sustava, neovisno o rasponu titra (niži, umjereni i visoki
titar). Analizom podataka svih pacijenata u definiranom uzorku utvrđena je povezanost razvoja
hematoloških malignih bolesti kod osoba oboljelih od SS-a. |
Abstract (english) | OBJECTIVES: To examine the association of the serological profile of autoimmune antibodies
with the clinical features and outcome of the disease in patients with Sjogren's syndrome, and to
examine the presence of associated diseases and the occurrence of malignant hematological
diseases in patients with Sjogren's syndrome.
STUDY DESIGN: The research was conducted as a cross-sectional study with historical data.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: The subjects of the research were patients suffering from
Sjogren's syndrome, of both genders and all age groups, who were treated in the period from
January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2021, at the Department of Rheumatology, Clinical
Immunology, and Allergology; KBC Osijek. Their data was collected using BIS, and then
analyzed and statistically processed.
RESULTS: The study was conducted on a total of 68 patients, 97% of them were female and
only 3% male. The arithmetic mean of their age was 63.4±12.19 years. In the largest percentage,
the disease affected the salivary glands (87%) and the lacrimal glands (85%), then the joints, i.e.
the musculoskeletal system (65%) and the skin (31%). Also, two of the patients (3%) developed
a malignant hematological disease. Anti-Ro60 antibodies are positive in 74% of patients, 21 of
which have lower, 28 moderate, and 1 high antibody titers. Anti-Ro52 antibodies are positive in
69% of patients, 7 of which have low, 20 moderate, and 20 high antibody titers. Anti-La
antibodies are positive in 32% of patients, 12 of which have lower, 9 moderate, and 1 high
antibody titer.
CONCLUSION: A positive titer of autoimmune antibodies correlates with the severity of the
disease, which means a greater number of affected organs and organ systems, regardless of the
titer range (low, moderate, and high titer). By analyzing the data of all patients in the defined
sample, the association of the development of hematological malignancies in persons suffering
from SS was determined. |