Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Ispitati povezanost neuravnoteženih prehrambenih navika i
antropometrijskih vrijednosti s obzirom na spol, mjesto stanovanja te ispitati postoje li razlike
u antropometrijskim mjerenjima kod pojedinaca s uravnoteženom i neuravnoteženom
Nacrt studije: Presječna studija.
Ispitanici i metode: Studija uključuje učenike iz tri osječke srednje škole. Obuhvaća učenike
oba spola u dobi od 17 do 19 godina. U istraživanje je uključeno 104 ispitanika, 34 muška
ispitanika i 70 ženskih. Ispitanici su dobrovoljno sudjelovali u istraživanju i potpisali
informirani pristanak.
Rezultati: Rezultati pokazuju da je medijan svih antropometrijskih vrijednosti adolescentskih
ispitanika u ovom istraživanju unutar referentnih iznosa. Namirnice koje se najčešće
konzumiraju tijekom tjedna su meso, osobito piletina i voće, a najrjeđe se konzumira riba te
nakon nje povrće. Svi ispitanici unose dovoljne količine fosfora, klora i masti, a žene ne nose
dovoljno željeza, proteina i voća. Dob ispitanika i vrijednost indeksa tjelesne mase nisu
značajno povezani s unosom enrgije, hranjivih tvari i vrstom namirnica. Što je veći omjer
struka i bokova veći je kolesterol, jod, proteini, dušik, vitamin B12, cink, zasićene masne
kiseline te je veći unos mesa i mesnih proizvoda. Vrijednosti srednjeg sistoličkog tlaka su više
ukoliko je veći kolesterol, ugljikohidrati-laktoza, ako je veći unos alkoholnih pića te je veći
unos mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda.
Zaključak: Istraživanje pokazuje da prehrambene navike adolescenata značajno utječu na
antropometrijske vrijednosti. Indeks tjelesne mase nije relevantan za procjenu kvalitete
prehrane, dok prehrambene navike značajno utječu na krvni talk i omjer struka i bokova. |
Abstract (english) | Title: The relationship between eating habits and anthropometric values in high school-age
Objectives: To examine the relationship between unbalanced dietary habits and
anthropometric measurements considering gender and place of residence, and to investigate
differences in anthropometric measurements between individuals with balanced and
unbalanced diets.
Study Design: Cross-sectional study.
Patients and Methods: The study involves students from three high schools in Osijek. The
study includes students of both genders aged 17 to 19 years. A total of 104 participants were
involved, including 34 male and 70 female participants. Participants voluntarily took part in
the study and provided informed consent.
Results: The results show that the median of all anthropometric values of the adolescent
subjects in this study is within the reference values. The foods most often consumed during
the week are meat, especially chicken, and fruit, while the least frequently consumed is fish,
followed by vegetables. All subjects consume sufficient amounts of phosphorus, chlorine and
fat, while women do not carry enough iron, protein and fruit. The age of the subjects and the
value of the body mass index are not significantly related to the intake of energy, nutrients
and the type of food. The higher the waist/hip ratio, the higher the cholesterol, iodine,
proteins, nitrogen, vitamin B12, zinc, saturated fatty acids, and the higher the intake of meat
and meat products. Mean systolic pressure values are higher if there is more cholesterol,
carbohydrates-lactose, if the intake of alcoholic beverages is higher, and the intake of milk
and dairy products is higher.
Conclusion: Research shows that the eating habits of adolescents significantly affect
anthropometric values. Body mass index is not relevant for assessing the quality of nutrition,
while eating habits significantly affect blood pressure and waist to hip ratio. |