Abstract | Cilj : Ispitati prevalenciju steatoze i firoze jetre kod oboljelih od šećerne bolesti tipa 2, ispitati
povezanost steatoze i fibroze s kliničkim karakteristikama bolesnika kao i s razvitkom
kardiovaskularnih komplikacija
Nacrt studije: Presječna studija s povijesnim podatcima
Ispitanici i metode: Ispitanici u ovom istraživanju bili su bolesnici sa šećernom bolesti tipa 2
koji su u jednogodišnjem razdoblju bili hospitalizirani na Zavodu za endokrinologiju, KBC-a
Osijek. Isključni kriterij je bio druga etiologija jetrene bolesti (virusi, toksini, lijekovi).
Rezultati: Od 142 ispitanika kod njih 78 (54,9 %) zabilježena je steatoza, dok je fibroza
zabilježena kod 8 (5,6 %). Nije dokazana povezanost steatoze i fibroze sa razvitkom
kardiovaskularnih komplikacija te sa indeksom tjelesne mase, dobi i trajanjem šećerne bolesti.
Ispitanici sa steatozom pokazuju značajno više vrijednosti ALT-a (P < 0,001), a značajno niže
vrijednosti leukocita (P = 0,04), CRP-a (P < 0,001) te fibrinogena (P = 0,01). Dok ispitanici sa
fibrozom pokazuju značajno više vrijednosti PAI-1 (P = 0,03), ALT-a (P < 0,001), AST-a
(P < 0,001) i GGT-a (P < 0,001), a značajno niže vrijednosti HDL-a (P = 0,01).
Zaključak: Steatoza i fibroza jetre učestale su kod oboljelih od šećerne bolesti tipa 2.
Provođenje probira na metabolički posredovanu masnu bolest jetre (MAFLD, engl. Metabolic
dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease ) neinvazivnim dijagnostičkim testovima pomoglo bi
otkrivanju bolesti u još reverzibilnoj fazi te smanjilo broj invazivnih procedura, odnosno
biopsija. |
Abstract (english) | Objective: To investigate the prevalence of steatosis and liver fibrosis in patients with type 2
diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and to examine the association of steatosis and fibrosis with clinical
characteristics of the patients and with the development of cardiovascular complications.
Study Design: Cross-sectional study with historical dana
Subjects and Methods: The subjects in this study were patients with T2DM who were
hospitalized in the Department of Endocrinology, Osijek General Hospital, during a one-year
period. The exclusion criterion was other etiology of liver disease (viruses, toxins, drugs).
Results: Steatosis was recorded in 78 (54.9%) of the 142 subjects, while fibrosis was recorded
in 8 (5.6%). No association was found between steatosis and fibrosis with the development of
cardiovascular complications, body mass index, age, and duration of diabetes. Subjects with
steatosis showed significantly higher ALT values (P < 0.001), and significantly lower leukocyte
(P = 0.04), CRP (P < 0.001), and fibrinogen (P = 0.01) values. While subjects with fibrosis
showed significantly higher PAI-1 (P = 0.03), ALT (P < 0.001), AST (P < 0.001), and GGT (P <
0.001) values, and significantly lower HDL (P = 0.01) values.
Conclusion: Steatosis and liver fibrosis are common in patients with T2DM. Screening for
metabolically mediated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) with non-invasive diagnostic tests could
help detect the disease in its still reversible phase and reduce the number of invasive procedures,
i.e. biopsies. |