Abstract | CILJEVI:
Ciljevi našeg istraživanja bili su utvrditi značajnost razlike između raznih modela endoproteza u pogledu dužine trajanja implantata kao i u pogledu drugih komplikacija, analizirajući kliničke karakteristike revizija endoproteze kuka .
Istraživanje uključuje 354 slučaja revizije endoproteze kuka koje su obavljene u KBC Osijek, Odjelu ortopedije od 1994. do 2014. godine. Od pacijenata koji su bili podvrgnuti operaciji njih 111 su muškarci dok je operativnom postupku podvrgnuto 243 žene. U 189 slučajeva ili 53,38% korištene su cementne proteze, a u 147 ili 41,52 % bescementne proteze. Svakom pacijentu praćeno je trajanje endoproteze, razlog njezine zamjene, tip zamjenske proteze i moguće komplikacije revizije.
Najčešće je korišten model endoproteze KAR endoproteze i to u ukupno 120 (33,90%) slučajeva, zatim model Wagner u 119 (33,62%), model S-ROM endoproteze u ukupno 77 ( 21,75%), dok su primarne endoproteze ugrađene u 38 (10,73%) slučajeva. Najčešće komplikacije reivizija bile su luksacije u 7% slučajeva, migracije u 2,07 % , migracije s luksacijama u 1,7%, infekcije u 3,38% te ostale komplikacije u 5,08% slučajeva.
Naše istraživanje pokazuje da nema statistički značajne razlike u trajanju između cementne i bescementne endoproteze kuka. Komplikacije nakon ugradnje endoproteze kuka su u skladu s rezultatima drugih autora. Odgovarajuće preoperativne pripreme, dobro operativno planiranje, oprezna operativna tehnika i temeljito iskustvo kirurga nesumnjivo će smanjiti broj komplikacija. |
Abstract (english) | Results of installation audit endoprosthesis of the hip joint at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Osijek
The goal of our research was to establish the significance of the difference between various endoprosthesis models in terms of the length of the duration of the implants as well as in terms of other complications, by analyzing clinical characteristics of the revisions hip endoprosthesis.
The study included 354 cases of revision of the hip joint prosthesis which were conducted in the Clinical Hospital Centre in Osijek , department of orthopedic surgery from 1994. to 2014. Of the patients who have undergone reperation 111 or 31,35% were male and 243 or 69% were femle. In 189 cases or 53.38% were used cement prosthesis , in 147 or 41.52% of the cases were used cementless prosthesis while in 18 cases or 5.08% has been used other type of prosthesis. In the case of each patient we monitored duration of the endoprosthesis , the reason for its replacement , the type of the replacement prosthesis and possible complications associated with the replacement.
The most commonly used model of prosthesis is KAR prosthesis in total of 120 ( 33.90 % ) cases, followed by Wagner model in 119 (33.62 % ) , the S - ROM prosthesis in a total of 77 ( 21.75 % ) , while the primary prosthesis was used in 38 ( 10.73 % ) cases . The most common complications of revision surgery were dislocations in 7 % of cases , migration in 2.07 % , migration and dislocations in 1.7% , infection in 3.38 % and other complications in 5.08 % of cases .
Our research shows that there are no significant statistical differences of duration between cement and uncemented hip implants. Complications after implantation of revision hip
endoprosthesis are in agreement with other authors. Appropriate pre-operative preparations, good operative planning, careful operative technique and thorough experience of the surgeon will undoubtedly reduce the number of complications. |