Abstract | Maligne bolesti u bolesnika s autoimunim reumatskim bolestima
Cilj istraživanja: Utvrditi pojavnost malignih bolesti u određenim autoimunim reumatskim bolestima te istražiti povezanost malignih bolesti s terapijom korištenom za liječenje tih bolesti.
Nacrt studije: Istraživanje je provedeno kao retrospektivna studija.
Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 1075 bolesnika oboljelih od autoimunih reumatskih bolesti. Podatci su prikupljeni iz medicinske dokumentacije.
Rezultati: Značajno veći broj bolesnika u istraživanju bio je ženskog spola. Prema učestalosti dijagnoza, najveći je udio činila dijagnoza reumatoidnog artritisa (60,19%), zatim sistemskog lupusa (15,53%), miješane bolesti vezivnog tkiva (8,09%), Sjögrenova sindroma (7,07%), sistemske skleroze (5,86%), dok najmanje vaskulitisa (2,23%) i PM/DM (1,02%). Najučestaliji je bio tumor dojke (23,55%), zatim cerviksa (13,7%), kolona (9,8%) te limfoproliferativne bolesti i tumori štitnjače (7,5%). Od ukupno 53 slučaja maligne bolesti, 54,9% bilo je u RA, dok kod bolesnika s vaskulitisom nije bilo nijednog. Od lijekova, 60,75% bolesnika koristi NSAID, 79,5% kortikosteroide, 33,05% ispitanika metotreksat, a sulfasalazin 30,07%. Nije pronađena povezanost u učestalosti razvoja maligne bolesti pod utjecajem korištenja lijekova.
Zaključak: Od autoimunih reumatskih bolesti češće obolijevaju žene. Najveći broj bolesnika boluje od reumatoidnog artritisa, slijedi sistemski eritematozni lupus, dok ostale bolesti čine manji udio. Imunosupresivna terapija koja se primjenjuje u liječenju autoimunih reumatskih bolesti nema utjecaja na nastanak malignih bolesti. |
Abstract (english) | Malignancies in patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases
Objectives: The objectives of this study were to determine prevalence of malignant diseases in patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases and to examine correlation between malignant diseases and therapy used for treatment of autoimmune rheumatic diseases.
Study design: The study was designed as a retrospective study.
Participants and methods: The study included 1075 patients suffering from autoimmune rheumatic diseases. Data were collected from medical records.
Results: Significant number of patients engaged in this reasearch was female. Largest proportion of autoimmune rheumatic diseases was rheumatoid arthritis (60,19%), followed by systemic lupus erythematosus (15,53%), connective tissue disease (8,09%), Sjögren syndrome (7,07%), systemic sclerosis (5,86%), while vasculitis (2,23%) and PM/DM (1,02%) were least represented. Most frequent malignancies were breast cancer (23,55%), followed by cervical cancer (13,7%), colon cancer (9,8%) and then lymphoprolipherative diseases and thyroid cancer (7,5%). Out of 53 cases of malignancy, 54,9% of patients suffered from RA, while none of the patients suffering from vasculitis had malignant disease. 60,75% patients were using NSAID 79,5% corticosteroids, 33,05% methotrexate, and 30,07% sulphasalazine. No significant correlation was found between treatment and development of malignancies.
Conclusion: Autoimmune rheumatic diseases more often affect women. The largest number of patients suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, followed by systemic lupus erythematosus, while other diseases are less represented. Immunosuppressive therapy used for treatment of autoimmune rheumatic diseases has no effect on development of malignant diseases in those patients. |