Author Marina Golek Mikulić
Mentor Radivoje Radić (mentor)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Medicine Osijek Osijek
Defense date and country 2018, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care
Abstract Cilj: ispitati mišljenja medicinskih sestara o ulozi sestrinske profesije u promociji zdravlja u školskom okruženju, utvrditi postoje li razlike u mišljenjima u odnosu na godinu studija, duljinu radnog staža, radno mjesto i status obrazovanja djeteta te ispitati mišljenja medicinskih sestara o tome koja su najvažnija tematska područja o kojima bi učenici trebali učiti u razdoblju od 1. do 4. razreda, od 5. do 8. razreda i u srednjoj školi. Ispitanici i metode: ispitanici su bili studenti prve i
... More druge godine sveučilišnog diplomskog studija Sestrinstva Medicinskog fakulteta u Osijeku, dislociranog studija u Čakovcu u akademskoj godini 2016./2017. Kao instrument istraživanja korišten je anketni upitnik izrađen za potrebe ispitivanja. Rezultati: pojam promicanja zdravlja u školama 63 % ispitanika dovodi u vezu s uvođenjem zdravstvenog odgoja u škole, a 46 % ispitanika smatra da se odnosi na stjecanje statusa škola koje promiču zdravlje. Da bi u školi trebala biti stalno zaposlena medicinska sestra izjašnjava se 71 % ispitanika, a polovica bi se složila s mogućnosti zaposlenja kao vanjski suradnik. Odgovornost obrazovnog sustava u promicanju zdravlja vidi 47 % ispitanika (uz 30 % neodlučnih), a svaki drugi ispitanik (51 %) smatra da je odgovoran zdravstveni sustav. Kao optimalno rješenje za promicanja zdravlja u školama kroz suradnju oba sustava odlučuje se 88 % ispitanika. Gotovo ¾ ispitanika (točnije 72 %) ne slažu se da učitelj razredne, odnosno predmetne nastave predaje zdravstvene sadržaje, a polovica ispitanika (57 %) smatra kako bi liječnik trebao predavati zdravstvene sadržaje u školama. Svega 36 % ispitanika smatra da je dovoljna srednja stručna sprema uz 5 godina iskustva da bi medicinska sestra mogla predavati zdravstvene sadržaje u školi, svaki peti ispitanik daje neutralan odgovor, a polovica ispitanika (51 %) smatra kako je potrebno da medicinska sestra ima završen diplomski studij sestrinstva. Zaključci: medicinske sestre imaju pozitivno mišljenje o ulozi sestrinske profesije u promociji zdravlja u školskom okruženju. Po pitanju pojma promocije zdravlja i zastupljenosti postojećih zdravstveno-promotivnih aktivnosti u školskom okruženju postoje razlike u mišljenju u odnosu na radno mjesto. Pritom djelatnici hitne medicine imaju pozitivnije mišljenje o važnosti promocije zdravlja, a također bolje prepoznaju zastupljenost postojećih zdravstveno-promotivnih aktivnosti u školama u odnosu na ostale ispitanike. Kao optimalno rješenje za provođenje promicanja zdravlja u školama za ispitanike bila bi suradnja zdravstvenog i obrazovnog sustava, ali mišljenja o odgovarajućem profilu stručnjaka ipak idu u korist zdravstvenim stručnjacima. Polovica ispitanika smatra da je za preuzimanje uloge medicinskih sestara kao predavača zdravstvenih sadržaja potrebna visoka stručna sprema na razini diplomskih studija. Za potrebom veće razine obrazovanja izražajnije je mišljenje ispitanika s duljim radnim stažem. Najvažnija tematska područja o kojima bi učenici trebali učiti od prvog do četvrtog razreda osnovne škole, prema mišljenju ispitanika, jesu pravilna prehrana, tjelesna aktivnost i osobna higijena, od petog do osmog razreda osnovne škole pak tjelesna aktivnost, pravilna prehrana, prevencija ovisnosti i prevencija nasilničkog ponašanja, a u srednjoj školi odgovorno spolno ponašanje i pravilna prehrana. Less
Abstract (english) Objective: To examine nurses’ opinion on the role of nursing profession in health promotion in the school environment, to determine whether there are differences in opinions considering the length of study, duration of service, job position and status of child education as well as to examine which thematic areas, according to the nurses, are the most important and should be taught to students in grades 1-4 and 5-8 of elementary school and in secondary school. Subjects and methods: The
... More subjects were students of the first and second year of the Faculty of Nursing at Medical University in Osijek at branch faculty in Čakovec in the academic year 2016/2017. A survey questionnaire was used as a research instrument and created for testing purposes. Results: 63 % of subjects relate the concept of health promotion in schools with the introduction of health education in schools, and 46 % of respondents believe that it is related to the acquisition of health promotion status. 71 % of respondents said that a full time nurse should be employed at school and a half of the respondents agree with the possibility of employing one as an external associate. 47 % of respondents (30 % undecided) believe that education system should be responsible for health promotion, and every other respondent (51 %) believes that that is the healthcare system’s responsibility. As an optimal solution for health promotion in schools 88% of respondents decide on the cooperation of both systems. Nearly ¾ respondents (or 72 %) disagree with the fact that a grade teacher or subject teacher should teach health care, while half of the respondents (57 %) consider the doctor should be teaching health care topics in schools. Only 36 % of respondents believe that a secondary education with 5 years of experience is sufficient for a nurse to teach health care at school, every fifth respondent gives a neutral answer, and half of the respondents (51 %) consider it is necessary for a nurse to graduate from the faculty. Conclusion: Nurses have a positive opinion on the role of the nursing profession in promoting health in the school environment. Concerning the concept of health promotion and the presence of existing health promotion activities in the school environment, there are differences in opinion in relation to the workplace. Emergency medicine workers have a more positive view of the importance of health promotion, and they are also better at recognizing the prevalence of existing health promotion activities in schools compared to other respondents. According to respondents, optimal solution for the health promotion at schools would be the cooperation of the health and education system, but opinions on the appropriate profile of professionals will nevertheless benefit health professionals. Half of the respondents believe that nurses taking over the role of health care teachers requires high qualifications of graduate studies level. Those with longer working experience insist more on the need for the higher level of education. According to the test subjects, the most important thematic areas that should be taught to students from 1st to 4th grade of elementary school are proper nutrition, physical activity and personal hygiene, and from 5th to 8th grade these are physical activity, proper nutrition, prevention of addiction and prevention of violent behaviour, and in secondary school these are responsible sexual behaviour and proper nutrition. Less
promocija zdravlja
školska medicinska sestra
zdravstveni odgoj u školama
Keywords (english)
health promotion
school nurses
health education in schools
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:152:851190
Study programme Title: University graduate study Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-07-30 09:38:36