Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj rada je ispitati postoji li razlika u zdravstvenom ponašanju trudnica prije i tijekom trudnoće. Ustroj studije: Presječna studija. Ispitanici i metode: Ispitanice su trudnice koje su dolazile na ginekološke preglede u specijalističke ginekološke ordinacije u prostorijama Doma zdravlja Osijek, njih 6. Anketne upitnike ispunila je 221 trudnica. Rezultati: Srednja dob trudnica je 31 godina. Rezultati nam pokazuju kako se 64,7% ispitanica rekreativno bavi nekom sportskom aktivnošću (hodanje, brzo hodanje, jogging, ples), za razliku od prije trudnoće kada se 31,2 % istih žena rekreativno ili profesionalno bavilo sportom. Prosjek dobivanja na tjelesnoj težini u prvom trimestru je 1 kg, u drugom trimestru 5 kg, te u trećem trimestru 11 kg.Osim što je u trudnoći smanjen unos brze hrane, smanjen je i unos slatkiša (čokolade, keksa kolača…) i slanih grickalica (čipsa, štapića, krekera, kokica) te je povećan unos voća, povrća i ribe. 24 (11%) ispitanice konzumirale su alkoholna pića 1-2x mjesečno prije trudnoće. 17 (7,8%) ispitanica konzumiralo je alkohol jednom tjedno prije trudnoće, da bi tijekom trudnoće jednom tjedno konzumirale alkohol samo 2 ispitanice (0,9%). Prije trudnoće pušilo je 41,4% žena, njih 42,8 % prestalo je pušiti kada su saznale da su trudne. Zaključak: Temeljem provedenog istraživanja moguće je zaključiti kako postoji razlika u zdravstvenom ponašanju trudnica prije i tijekom trudnoće. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: The main objective was to determine whether there is a difference in the health behavior of pregnant women before and during pregnancy. Study design: A cross-sectional study. Methods and participants: Participants were pregnant women who came to the gynecological examinations at the six specialist gynecological practices on the premises of the Osijek Health Center. Survey questionnaires were completed by 221 pregnant women. Results: The average age of pregnant women is 31. The results show that 64.7% of the examinees are recreationally engaged in some sports activity (walking, speed walking, jogging, dancing), unlike before pregnancy when 31.2% of the same women were recreationally or professionally engaged in sports. The average weight gain in the first trimester is 1 kg, in the second trimester 5 kg, and in the third trimester 11 kg. In addition to reducing fast food during pregnancy, sweeteners (chocolate, cake, biscuits) and salty snacks (chips, sticks, crackers, popcorn) have also been reduced and the intake of fruits, vegetables and fish has been increased. 24 (11%) examinees consumed alcoholic drinks once or twice a month before pregnancy. 17 (7.8%) examinees consumed alcohol once a week before pregnancy, and only 2 examinees (0.9%) consumed alcohol once a week during pregnancy. Before pregnancy, 41.4% of women smoked, 42.8% of them quit smoking when they found out they were pregnant. Conclusion: Based on the research conducted, it is possible to conclude that there is a difference in the behavior of pregnant women before and during pregnancy. |