Abstract | Uvod: Virus HCV-a otkriven je 1989. godine kao glavni uzročnik 90 % poslijetransfuzijskih slučajeva hepatitisa. Prema navodima Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije infekcija HCV-a globalni je problem. Svake se godine u Hrvatskoj prijavi oko 200 000 slučajeva akutnih i kroničnih oblika infekcije HCV-a. Hrvatska se ubraja u zemlje niske prevalencije infekcije HCV-a. Ciljevi: 1. Ispitati učestalost HCV infekcije u Osječko-baranjskoj županiji, 2. Ispitati učestalost genotipova HCV-a svim oboljelim od KHC-a u Osječko-baranjskoj županiji od 2012. do 2016. godine, 3. Prikazati raspodjelu grupe genotipa HCV-a prema dobi i spolu. Ispitanici i metode: izvršena je retrospektivna analiza rezultata testiranja pacijenata koje je uputio liječnik primarne zdravstvene zaštite na odjel mikrobiologije ZZJZ OBŽ na molekularno dokazivanje HCV-RNA u uzorku krvi (seruma). HCV RNA određuje se molekularnom metodom PCR, korištenjem kvantitativnog testa Amplicor® HCV Amplification Kit, verzija 2.0, Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mainheim, Njemačka. Rezultati: Tijekom pet godina (2012. - 2016.) određeno je ukupno 490 genotipova, grupa i podgrupa iz krvi (seruma) pacijenata. Rezultati analize pokazuju kako je u ovom istraživanju zastupljen veći broj muškaraca (63,3 %) u odnosu na broj žena (36,7 %). Također, najviše su zastupljene srednja (53,3 %) i starija (40,0 %) dobna skupina, dok je u mlađoj dobnoj skupini sudjelovalo samo 6,7 % pacijenata. Prema učestalosti genotipova HCV-a u ispitivanoj populaciji najveći postotak oboljelih imalo je genotip 1b, njih 22,4 %, zatim genotip 3a, njih 11 %, genotip 1a, njih 7,1 %, a najmanje zastupljeni bili su genotip 2a i 3 s 2 % pojavnosti. Pacijenata s nepoznatom vrstom genotipa je 258, odnosno 52,7 %. Zaključak: Kvantitativno određivanje broja virusnih kopija HCV RNK te određivanje genotipa i podvrste indicirano je svim zaraženim osobama jer ima značajnu ulogu u terapijskom pristupu svakog pojedinca. |
Abstract (english) | Introduction: HCV virus was discovered in 1989 as the major cause of 90% of post-transfusion hepatitis. According to the WHO, HCV infection is a global problem. Every year, around 200,000 cases of acute and chronic HCV infections are reported in Croatia. Croatia is among the countries with low HCV infection prevalence. Objectives: 1. To determine frequency of HCV genotype groups in Osijek-Baranja County, 2. To determine frequency of HCV genotype groups for all HCV patients in Osijek-Baranja County from 2012 to 2016., 3. To show distribution of HCV genotype by age and sex. Participants and Methods: A retrospective analysis of patients’ data was performed. All patients were referred by their primary health care physician to the Department of Microbiology at the Institute of Public Health of Osijek-Baranja County for the molecular analysis of HCV-RNA in blood sample (serum). HCV RNA was determined by the molecular PCR method, using the Amplior® HCV Amplification Kit quantitative test, version 2.0, Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mainheim, Germany. Results: In the five-year period (2012 – 2016) a total of 490 genotypes, groups and subgroups of blood (serum) patients. The results of the analysis show there were more men in this study (63.3%) than women (36.7%). Also, it was more common in middle-aged (53.3%) and elderly (40.0%) people, while only 6.7% of the patients were in the younger age group. According to the frequency of HCV genotypes, the highest percentage of patients had genotype 1b, 22.4%; genotype 3a, 11%; genotype 1a, 7.1%, and the least represented were genotype 2a and 3 with 2%. There were 258, i.e. 52.7% of patients with unknown genotype. Conclusion: Quantitative count of the number of viral copies of HCV RNA, and genotype identification as well as subtype identification is indicated to all the infected patients because it has a significant role in the therapeutic approach to each individual. |