Title Radni odnos bolesnika s jetrenim presatkom
Title (english) Employment in patients with liver transplant
Author Anita Holetić
Mentor Lada Zibar (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Topolovčan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Ilakovac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lada Zibar (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Medicine Osijek Osijek
Defense date and country 2018-06-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences
Abstract Jetrena bolest koja dovodi do potrebe za liječenjem jetrenim presađivanjem dovodi do određenog stupnja ograničenja radne sposobnosti. Transplantacija je najbolji oblik liječenja koji omogućuje preživljenje, poboljšanje zdravlja, poboljšanje životne kakvoće i poboljšanje radne sposobnosti. Susrećemo se sa čestom nezaposlenošću i prije i poslije transplantacije. Cilj: Cilj je bio utvrditi prevalenciju zaposlenosti među bolesnicima s jetrenim presatkom kao i povijest zaposlenosti.
... More Pristupnik/pristupnica je bolesnike s jetrenim presatkom, transplantirane u KB Merkur, ispitao/la o zaposlenosti, vremenskim odrednicama promjena statusa zaposlenosti radi utvrđivanja stanja te razloga za isto, a radi mogućnosti dodatnih terapijskih i drugih intervencija. Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 98 ispitanika kojima je u KB Merkur učinjeno jetreno presađivanje. Uzorak je bio prigodan, odnosno sastoji se od prvih 98 slučajnih bolesnika na kontrolnom pregledu u KB Merkur, a koji su pristali na istraživanje. Istraživanje je provedeno pomoću posebno sastavljenog upitnika koji je obuhvaćao pitanja o demografskim odrednicama ispitanika te pitanja o statusu radnog odnosa ispitanika prije postavljanja dijagnoze osnovne bolesti jetre te prije i poslije transplantacije jetre. Rezultati: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 98 ispitanika, od kojih je 70 ispitanika bilo muškog spola, a 28 ispitanika ženskog spola. Najveći udio ispitanika imalo je završenu srednju stručnu spremu, njih 59,18%. Prije dijagnosticiranja jetrene bolesti najviše ispitanika bilo je zaposleno, njih 59,18%, a nakon transplantacije većina ispitanika bila je mirovini, njih 51,02%, dok je u vrijeme ispunjavanja anketnog upitnika povećan udio umirovljenika na 63,27%. Ukoliko bi postojalo radno vrijeme prilagođeno transplantiranim osobama, 57,14% ispitanika smatra kako bi moglo raditi. Zaključak: Prema starosti najviše je bilo ispitanika koji su rođeni u periodu od 1941.-1970. godine što čini više od 91% uzorka, a samim time i stariju populaciju ispitanika od kojih većina rođenih u istom razdoblju, a u trenutku ispunjavanja anketnog upitnika ostvaruje ili je već ostvarila pravo na jednu od vrsta mirovina. Već poodmakla dob ispitanika koji su sudjelovali u istraživanju rezultirala je smanjenjem broja zaposlenih nakon transplantacije na 8,16% i povećanjem broja umirovljenika na 63,27%. Less
Abstract (english) Liver disease that leads to the need for treatment with liver transplantation leads to a certain degree of work ability limitation. Transplantation, as the best survival form of treatment, aims to improve health, quality, work ability. In practice, we encounter frequent unemployment, retirement of these patients, both before and after transplantation. Goal: The aim would be to determine the prevalence of employment among patients with liver trauma as well as the history of
... More employment. The applicant will be able to examine the transplanted patients in the medical centre „Merkur“, examine their employment, timelines for changes in the employment status, to determine the condition and the reasons for the same, for the purpose of additional therapeutic and other interventions Respondents & Methods: In the study, 98 respondents participated in the transfer of fattening to KB Merkur. The sample was appropriate, that is, it consists of the first 98 randomly controlled patients in KB Mercury who agreed to the study. The research was conducted using a specially formulated questionnaire that covered questions about the demographic parameters of the respondent and questions about the status of the respondent's work before diagnosing basic liver disease before and after liver transplantation. Results: The survey involved 98 respondents, of whom 70 were male and 28 female subjects. The highest proportion of respondents had finished secondary education, 59.18%. Prior to liver disease diagnosis, most of the respondents were employed, 59.18%, and after transplantation, most of the respondents were retired, 51.02%, while the retirement ratio increased to 63.27% at the time of the questionnaire. If a working-day adapted to the transplanted person would exist, 57.14% of respondents think it could work. Conclusion: By age, the highest number of subjects were born between 1941 and 1970. which makes up more than 91% of the sample, and thus the older population of the majority of those born in the same period, and at the time of completing the questionnaire, the right to one of the types of pension was realized or already exercised. Already the age of the respondents participating in the study resulted in a decrease in the number of people employed after transplantation at 8.16% and an increase in the number of retirees to 63.27%. Less
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:152:995623
Study programme Title: University graduate study Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra sestrinstva (magistar/ magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2019-07-04 08:43:15