Abstract | CILJ: Osnovni cilj ovog rada je ispitati čimbenike rizika za prekomjernu uporabu analgetika u bolesnika s učestalim primarnim glavoboljama. Sekundarni cilj je ispitati kvalitetu života bolesnika kroz tjelesno i psihičko zdravlje. NACRT ISTRAŽIVANJA: Istraživanje je oblikovano kao presječno istraživanje. ISPITANICI I POSTUPCI: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 30 ispitanika oboljelih od primarne glavobolje koji se liječe kroz ambulantu za glavobolje Klinike za neurologiju KBC-a Osijek. Kao instrument istraživanja koristili su se anonimni modificirani upitnik strukturiran za ovo istraživanje i SF-36 (engl. Short Form Health Survey-36) upitnik zdravstvenog statusa i kvalitete života vezane uz zdravlje. REZULTATI: Istraživanje je provedeno na 30 ispitanika, većinom ženskog spola i srednje životne dobi. Umjereno (od 5 – 10 dana u mjesecu) neki od analgetika zbog glavobolje konzumira 18 (60 %) ispitanika, a 12 (40 %) ih konzumira u povećanoj učestalosti (više od 10 dana u mjesecu). Učestalost povećanog uzimanja analgetika statistički značajno raste s frekvencijom glavobolje (u rijetkoj epizodnoj glavobolji u 1/12, čestoj epizodnoj glavobolji 6/12, kroničnoj 4/5 ispitanika, p = 0,008). S obzirom na lokalizaciju boli, 8/18 ispitanika s boli na lijevoj strani glave značajnije manje konzumiraju analgetike tijekom mjeseca od drugih lokalizacija što s obzirom na veličinu uzorka može biti statistička slučajnost (p = 0,01). Trajanje napadaja, intenzitet i kakvoća boli, popratni simptomi, prepoznati okidači, dob početka glavobolje, životne navike bolesnika i vrsta analgetika nisu statistički dokazani rizični čimbenici za češću uporabu analgetika za liječenje učestale primarne glavobolje. Najvišu ocjenu kvaliteti života su ispitanici dali u upitniku SF-36 u domeni tjelesnog funkcioniranja, medijana 67,5 (interkvartilnog raspona od 50 do 86). Nema statističke razlike u rezultatima po pojednim domenama u SF-36 prema frekvenciji uzimanja analgetika. ZAKLJUČAK: Većina ispitanika s učestalim primarnim glavoboljama ne uzima analgetike u povećanoj frekvenciji. Povećanje frekvencije napadaja glavobolje u mjesecu glavni je rizični čimbenik za češću uporabu analgetika u liječenju učestale primarne glavobolje, dok druga klinička obilježja glavobolja i bolesnika, te vrsta uzimanog analgetika to nisu. Nema značajnih razlika u kvaliteti života u odnosu na učestalost konzumiranja analgetika. |
Abstract (english) | OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this study was to investigate the risk factors resulting from the excessive use of analgesics among patients with frequent primary headaches. The secondary objective was to investigate the quality of life among the patients regarding their physical and mental health. STUDY DESIGN: This is a cross-sectional study. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: The study included 30 participants suffering from primary headaches who were being treated at the Headache Clinic of the Neurology Department of the University Hospital Centre Osijek. A modified anonymous questionnaire specifically designed for this study and the SF-36 (Short Form Health Survey-36) were used as research tools. RESULTS: The study was conducted with 30 participants, mostly female and middle-aged. As a treatment for headaches, 18 (60 %) of the study participants use some of the analgesics moderately (5 – 10 days in a month), while 12 (40 %) of the participants use analgesics more frequently (more than 10 days in a month). The frequency of increased analgesic use increases significantly as the frequency of headaches increases (for infrequent episodic headaches 1/12 of the participants, for frequent episodic headaches 6/12 participants, for chronic headaches 4/5 participants, p = 0,008). Regarding the location of the pain, 8/18 participants who experience pain on the left side of their head consume a significantly lower amount of analgesics during the month when compared to other pain locations, which can be a statistical coincidence (p = 0,01) considering the size of the sample. Headache duration, intensity and properties of pain, accompanying symptoms, recognised triggers, age when the headaches started, patient’s everyday habits, and the type of analgesics have not been proven to be statistically significant risk factors for an increased use of analgesics in the treatment of frequent primary headaches. In the SF-36, the participants have rated the area of physical functioning as the highest for the quality of life, median 67.5 (interquartile range 50 to 86). According to the frequency of analgesic use, there are no statistical differences in results for the specific areas of the SF-36. CONCLUSION: A majority of the study participants who suffer frequent primary headaches do not use analgesics more frequently. An increased frequency of headaches during the month is the most significant risk factor for the increased frequency of analgesic use for the treatment of frequent primary headaches, while the other clinical features of the headaches and the patients, as well as the type of the analgesic used, do not meet the requirements. There are no significant differences in the quality of life with regard to the frequency of analgesic use. |