Abstract | CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Odrediti primjerenost uzorka, razloge koji utječu na primjerenost uzoraka, učestalost negativnih i abnormalnih nalaza, učestalost pojedinih mikroorganizama, učestalost drugih ne-neoplastičnih nalaza, učestalost citoloških diferencijalnih dijagnoza.
USTROJ STUDIJE: Retrospektivno istraživanje
MATERIJAL I METODE: U istraživanje je uključeno 41345 ispitanica čiji su VCE razmazi bojeni i pregledani u Kliničkom zavodu za kliničku citologiju KBC Osijek tijekom 2014. godine.
REZULTATI: U našoj studiji koja je obuhvatila 41345 analiziranih citoloških nalaza, primjereno je ocjenjeno 41231 (99,7%), dok je ne primjerenim ocjenjeno 114 (0,3%) nalaza. Od 114 uzoraka koji nisu zadovoljili za interpretaciju, 15 (13,2%) nije analizirano, a 99 (86,8%) je analizirano, no nije moguća procjena abnormalnosti epitela. 39894 (96,7%) uzoraka je bilo negativno na intraepitelnu leziju ili malignitet, a u 1337 (3,3%) razmaza su pronađene nađene abnormalne stanice. Abnormalne stanice su u 86,0% razmaza bile skvamoznog (pločastog) podrijetla. Fiziološka flora je nađena u 30,4% razmaza, a od patogenih mikroorganizama najbrojnija je bila "miješana vaginalna flora".
ZAKLJUČAK: Klasifikacija citoloških nalaza vrata maternice uključuje diferenciranje premalignih i malignih lezija, te identifikaciju uzročnika spolno prenosivih bolesti ili njihovog citopatskog efekta. |
Abstract (english) | OBJECTIVES: To determine the adequacy of samples, causes that affect the adequacy of samples, frequency of the negative and abnormal findings, the incidence of certain microorganisms, the incidence of other non-neoplastic findings, the incidence of cytological differential diagnosis.
STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 41 345 examinees whose VCE smears were stained and examined at the Department of Clinical Cytology, Clinical Hospital Osijek, during 2014.
RESULTS: In our study which included 41 345 analyzed cytological findings, 41 231 (99.7%) were rated as appropriate, while 114 (0.3%) were rated as non appropriate findings. Out of 114 samples which failed to be interpreted, 15 (13.2%) were not analyzed, and 99 (86.8%) were analyzed but it was not possible to determine the epithelial abnormality. 39 894 (96.7%) samples were negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy and cell abnormality was found in 1337 (3.3%) smears. Abnormal cells were of squamous (plate-like) origin in 86,0% of smears. Physiological flora was found in 30.4% of smears and the "mixed vaginal flora" was the most numerous one among pathogenic microorganisms.
CONCLUSION: The classification of cytologic findings of the cervix includes the differentiation between premalignant and malignant lesions and the identification of causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases or their cytopathic effect. |