Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj je istraživanja ispitati postoji li povezanost između demografskih
čimbenika (dob i spol), stanja svijesti bolesnika, lokalizacije tumora, opsežnosti kirurškog
uklanjanja i patohistološkog stupnja tumora i konačnog ishoda liječenja meningeoma
lubanjskog svoda.
Nacrt studije: Provedeno je istraživanje presječnoga tipa.
Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanje su uključeni svi bolesnici s dijagnosticiranim
meningeomom lubanjskog svoda kirurški liječeni u Klinici za neurokirurgiju Kliničkog
bolničkog centra Osijek od 2000. do 2015. godine. Podatci za istraživanje preuzeti su iz
povijesti bolesti. Ishod liječenja ispitanika određen je Karnofskyjevim indeksom (KPI) i
Glasgowskom ljestvicom ishoda (GOS).
Rezultati: Od ukupno 134 ispitanika uključenih u istraživanje, 71,6 % bilo je ženskog spola, a
28,4 % muškog. Medijan dobi ispitanika iznosio je 64,0 godine. Pokazatelji ishoda liječenja,
KPI i GOS, statistički su značajno bili povezani s dobi (p < 0,001), stanjem svijesti ispitanika
(p < 0,001), Simpsonovim stupnjem opsežnosti kirurškog uklanjanja tumora (p < 0,001) i
lokalizacijom tumora (p = 0,049; p = 0,033). Statistički je značajna povezanost
patohistološkog stupnja tumora i GOS pokazatelja ishoda (p = 0,036).
Zaključak: Spol ispitanika ne utječe na ishod liječenja. Ispitanici mlađe životne dobi i
očuvanog stanja svijesti imaju u pravilu bolji ishod liječenja. Ispitanici s povoljno
lokaliziranim te potpuno uklonjenim tumorom imaju povoljniji ishod liječenja. Ispitanici s
patohistološki benignim tumorom imaju povoljniji ishod liječenja određen GOS
vrijednostima. Pouzdani pokazatelji uspješnosti kirurškog liječenja meningeoma lubanjskog
svoda su: dob ispitanika, stanje svijesti pri prijemu, lokalizacija i opsežnost kirurškog
uklanjanja tumora. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: The aim of the research is to examine the correlation of the demographic factors
(age and gender), consciousness of patients at admission, tumor location, the extensiveness of
the surgical removal and histological grade of the tumor with the final outcome of the surgical
treatment of cerebral convexity meningioma.
Study Design: The research is a cross-sectional study.
Patients and methods: The research included all patients diagnosed with cranial vault
meningioma, treated at the Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital Centre Osijek
from 2000 to 2015. Data were taken from patients’ medical history. The outcome of the
treatment was defined by the Karnofsky Performance Index (KPI) and Glasgow Outcome
Scale (GOS).
Results: There was a total of 134 patients included in the research, 71.6 % were female and
28.4 % male. The median age of patients was 64.0. Indicators of treatment outcomes, KPI and
GOS were significantly associated with age (p < 0.001), the admission consciousness
(p < 0.001), Simpson degree of extensiveness of the tumor surgical removal (p < 0.001) and
tumor location (p = 0.049; p = 0.033). There was a statistically significant correlation between
histological grade of the tumor and GOS indicators of outcome (p = 0.036).
Conclusion: Patients’ gender does not influence the outcome of the treatment. Younger
patients and those with preserved consciousness indicate generally better treatment outcome.
Patients with more conveniently localized tumor and those with the tumor completely
removed have more favorable treatment outcome. Patients with histologically benign tumors
have more favorable treatment outcome, determined by GOS values. The most valuable
predictors of the surgical management outcome of convexity meningioma are: patients’ age
and state of consciousness at admission, tumor localization, and extensiveness of the tumor
surgical resection. |