Abstract | Cilj: Utvrditi pojavnost neurorazvojnih odstupanja i kroničnih bolesti djece rođene nakon
trudnoće koja je započela tehnikom potpomognute oplodnje.
Nacrt studije: Retrospektivna sudija slučajeva i kontrola.
Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanje su uključena sva djeca rođena u Kliničkom bolničkom
centru Osijek od 1. 1. 2018. godine do 31. 12. 2020. godine iz trudnoća nakon MPO te svako
prvo iduće rođeno novorođenče s popisa u medicinskoj dokumentaciji koje je začeto
Rezultati: Trudnice u MPO skupini bile su značajno starije, obrazovanije i češće u bračnoj
vezi, imale su značajno više komorbiditeta i to endokrinoloških i kardiovaskularnih, češće
komplikacije u trudnoći kao što su gestacijski dijabetes, hipertenzija u trudnoći, hipotireoza i
anemija u trudnoći. Imale su značajno veći broj višeplodnih trudnoća, češće su trudnoće bile
dovršene hitnim carskim rezom, a u kontrolnoj skupini vaginalnim porodom. Majke u MPO
skupini češće su farmakološki održavale trudnoću i češće su koristile lijekove u trudnoći.
Također, majke u ovoj skupini češće su rađale nedonoščad i djecu s IUGR-om. Djeca iz MPO
skupine imala su značajno češće intrakranijalna krvarenja, češće i dulje boravila su u JIL-u,
češće su imala RDS i potrebu za mehaničkom ventilacijom. Govorni je razvoj djece u MPO
skupini bio značajno usporeniji i ova su djeca češće pohađala neurorazvojnu rehabilitaciju.
Zaključak: Trudnice koje su podvrgnute MPO imale su češće druge komorbiditete, češće su
bile na politerapiji, trudnoće su bile kompliciranije s lošijim ishodima i kraćom gestacijom.
Djeca začeta MPO imala su lošije perinatalne ishode i češće su zaostajala u govornom
razvoju. |
Abstract (english) | Objective: To determine the incidence of neurodevelopmental deviations and chronic
diseases in children born after pregnancies initiated by ART.
Study Design: Retrospective case-control study.
Participants and Methods: The study included all children born at the Clinical Hospital
Center Osijek from January 1, 2018, to December 31, 2020, from pregnancies following
medically assisted reproduction, and each subsequent newborn conceived spontaneously
listed in the medical documentation.
Results: Pregnant women in the ART group were significantly older, more educated, more
often in marital relationships, had significantly more comorbidities, and more frequently
suffered from endocrinological and cardiovascular diseases. They had more complications
during pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes, pregnancy hypertension, hypothyroidism, and
anemia in pregnancy. There was a significantly higher number of multiple pregnancies, and
pregnancies in the ART group were more often completed by emergency cesarean section,
while vaginal delivery was more common in the control group. Mothers in the ART group
more frequently maintained their pregnancies pharmacologically and used medication more
often during pregnancy. Additionally, mothers in this group more often gave birth to preterm
infants and infants with IUGR. Children in the ART group had significantly more frequent
intracranial hemorrhages, longer stays in the intensive care unit, and more often had
respiratory distress syndrome and needed mechanical ventilation. Speech development in
children from the ART group was significantly slower, and these children more frequently
attended neurodevelopmental rehabilitation.
Conclusion: Pregnant women undergoing ART had more frequent comorbidities, were on
polytherapy more often, and their pregnancies were more complicated with poorer outcomes
and shorter gestation. Children conceived by ART had poorer perinatal outcomes and more
frequently lagged in speech development. |