Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati učestalost infekcija urogenitalnim
mikoplazmama u ispitivanoj skupini te utvrditi postoji li razlika u učestalosti s obzirom na dob
i spol. Također, ispitati njihovu antimikrobnu osjetljivost.
Nacrt studije: Presječno istraživanje s povijesnim podatcima.
Ispitanici i metode: Za istraživanje su se koristili rezultati pacijenata dobiveni iz baze
podataka Zavoda za kliničku mikrobiologiju i bolničke infekcije Klinike za infektologiju KBC
Osijek u razdoblju od 18.05.2020. do 31.12.2023. Uzorci su obrađeni testom „Mycoview ID
Quantum“ koji se bazira na specifičnim metaboličkim svojstvima i prirođenom rezistencijom
mikoplazmi. Koristi se kao test za identifikaciju, titar i ispitivanje rezistencije urogenitalnih
mikoplazmi. Prisutnost mikoplazmi, kao i njihova antimikrobna osjetljivost, utvrđuje se
promjenom boje medija iz žute u ružičastu.
Rezultati: Zaprimljeno je i obrađeno 1245 pacijenata i 1367 uzoraka. Ukupno je napravljeno
2811 analiza te izolirano 483 izolata M. hominis i Ureaplasma spp. Od ukupnog broja
pacijenata, njih 434 je bilo pozitivno. Prema raspodjeli po spolu, većina pozitivnih ispitanika
bile su žene (97,2 %). Prema dobnim skupinama, najveći broj pozitivnih ispitanika je dobi
između 21–40 godina. Od izolata, Ureaplasma spp. je izolirana u 419 (86,7 %) uzoraka, a M.
hominis u 64 (13,3 %) uzoraka.
Zaključak: Učestalost Ureaplasma spp. je veća od M. hominis u ispitivanoj skupini. Infekcija
najčešće pogađa osobe između 11 i 50 godina, posebno u dobi od 21 do 40 godina, a češća je
kod žena. M. hominis je osjetljiv na doksiciklin, josamicin i ofloksacin, a rezistentan na
azitromicin i eritromicin, dok je Ureaplasma spp. osjetljiva na azitromicin, a rezistentna na
klindamicin i ciprofloksacin. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: The aim of the study was to examine the frequency of urogenital mycoplasma
infections in the studied group and to determine if there are differences in frequency according
to age and gender. Additionally, their antimicrobial susceptibility was tested.
Study design: Cross-sectional study with historical data.
Participants and methods: The study used patient results obtained from the database of the
Clinical Microbiology and Hospital Infections Department at the Clinic for Infectology of KBC
Osijek from 18.05.2020. to 31.12.2023. The samples were processed using „Mycoview ID
Quantum“ test, which is based on the specific metabolic properties and intrinsic resistance of
mycoplasmas. This test is used for identification, titration, and resistance testing of urogenital
mycoplasmas. The presence of mycoplasmas, as well as their antimicrobial susceptibility, is
determined by the change in the medium color from yellow to pink.
Results: A total of 1245 patients and 1367 samples were received and processed. In total, 2811
analyses were performed, resulting in the isolation of 483 M. hominis and Ureaplasma spp.
isolates. Out of the total number of patients, 434 tested positive. According to the gender
distribution, the majority of positive subjects were women (97,2 %). By age group, the highest
number of positive subjects was between 21 and 40 years old. Among the isolates, Ureaplasma
spp. was isolated in 419 (86,7 %) samples, and M. hominis in 64 (13,3 %) samples.
Conclusion: The frequency of Ureaplasma spp. is higher than that of M. hominis in the studied
group. The infection most commonly affects individuals between the ages of 11 and 50,
especially those between 21 and 40 years old, and is more common in women. M. hominis is
susceptible to doxycicline, josamycin, and ofloxacin, but resistant to azithromycin and
erithromycin, while Ureaplasma spp. is susceptible to azithromycin but resistant to
clindamycin and ciprofloxacin. |