Abstract | CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA. Utvrditi incidenciju i osnovne značajke otvorenih očnih ozljeda u Osječko-baranjskoj ţupaniji. USTROJ STUDIJE. Retrospektivno kohortno istraţivanje pomoću prikupljenih podataka od pacijenata koji su se liječili na Zavodu za oftalmologiju, KBC-a Osijek s dijagnozom otvorene očne ozljede. ISPITANICI I METODE. U istraţivanje su uključena 44 pacijenata, primarno zbrinuta u KBC-u Osijek, na Zavodu za oftalmologiju od 1. 1. 2012. do 31. 12. 2015. godine zbog otvorene očne ozljede. Otvorene očne ozljede su klasificirane prema BETT (Birmingham Eye Trauma Terminology) klasifikaciji. Podatci o demografskim osobinama ozlijeĎenih (dob i spol) i o osobitostima ozljeda preuzeti su iz medicinskih zapisa. REZULTATI. Incidencija otvorenih očnih ozljeda u Osječko-baranjskoj ţupaniji iznosi 3,61/100 000 stanovnika i viša je nego globalna incidencija (3,5/100 000 godišnje). Ozljede su češće kod muškaraca (84,1 %), prosječna dob je 42,16 godine (standardne devijacije 18,64). Gotovo 2,5 puta su češće na desnom oku. Najviše se javljaju kod radno aktivnog stanovništva izmeĎu 19 i 65 godina (75 %). Vodeći uzrok ozljede bio je pad, a mjesto ozljede prema BETT klasifikaciji bila je roţnica s bjeloočnicom. Pri dolasku, čak 56,8 % pacijenata imalo je vidnu oštrinu manju od 0,1 na ozlijeĎenom oku, a pri odlasku 54,4 %. Unutar te skupine, prilikom odlaska, najveći udio pacijenata bio je s dijagnozom potpune sljepoće na ozlijeĎenom oku (41,7 %). Velik udio pacijenata (43,18 %) morao je nastaviti liječenje u KBC-u Zagreb. ZAKLJUČAK. Incidencija otvorenih očnih ozljeda u Osječko-baranjskoj ţupaniji iznosi 3,61/100 000 stanovnika godišnje, što je više od globalne incidencije. |
Abstract (english) | OBJECTIVES. The aim of this study was to examine the incidence of open globe injuries in Osijek-Baranja County, to process data based on age, sex, and characteristics of injury. STUDY DESIGN. Retrospective cohort study using data collected from patients who underwent surgical intervention following open globe injury at the Institute of Ophthalmology of University Hospital Centre Osijek was conducted. PATIENTS AND METHODS. The study involved 44 patients, all of whom primarily underwent surgical procedure at University Hospital Centre Osijek, Institute of Ophthalmology, from January 1st 2012 to December 31st 2015, due to the open globe injury. Data on demographic characteristics of injured patients (age and sex) and characteristics of injury were taken from the medical records. To determine the type and severity of an eye injury, BETT (Birmingham Eye Trauma Terminology) was used. RESULTS. The annual rate of open globe injury in Osijek-Baranja County was 3.61/100 000, slightly higher than the global incidence (3.5 per 100,000 yearly). Injuries were more common in men (84.1%), the average age was 42.16 years (standard deviation 18.64). Injuries were almost 2.5 times, more likely on the right eye. Injuries were the most common in the working population between 19 and 65 years (75%). The leading cause of injury was the fall. According to the BETT classification the leading zone of injury was cornea with sclera. In this study, 56.8% of patients had visual acuity less than 0.1 on the injured eye when they arrived to the CHC Osijek. After the treatment, 54.4% of patients had the same poor visual outcome. In that group of patients, the largest proportion had a diagnosis of complete blindness on the injured eye (41.7%). A large percentage of patients (43.18%) were forced to continue their treatment at the Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb. CONCLUSION. The incidence of open globe injuries in Osijek-Baranja County within the exploration period was 3.61 per 100,000 yearly. According to the current data, it is higher than the global incidence. |