Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Ispitati socijalnu odredbu i usamljenost među starijim osobama koje boluju od kroničnih tjelesnih bolesti s obzirom na spol, dob, bračni status, s kime žive i duljinu trajanja kronične bolesti. Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 46 osoba starijih od 60 godina koje boluju od jedne ili više kroničnih bolesti. Svi su ispitanici s klinike za Unutarnje bolesti Kliničkog bolničkog centra Osijek. Kao instrumenti istraživanja, korištene su dvije standardizirane skale, SPS (Social Provision Scale) i UCLA Loneliness Scale, autora Daniela Russella. Rezultati:Od najvećeg mogućeg rezultata koji iznosi 80, u UCLA skali usamljenosti prosječni je rezultat ispitanika 49,63±5,23, dok je od najvećeg mogućeg rezultata 96, prosječna vrijednost SPS skale iznosila 61,43±6,69. Promatrajući SPS podskale, od najvećeg rezultata 24, prosječna vrijednost dostupnosti informacija iznosila je 10,37±1,94, samopouzdanje je iznosilo10.2±1.87, socijalna integracija 10,07±1,53, vrijednost 10,07±1,53, oslonac 9,87±1,71, a materijalna sigurnost 10,85±1,63. Kod usporedbe skala i podskala prema spolu, niti u jednom slučaju nisu pronađene statistički značajne razlike (p>0,05). S obzirom na bračni status, nije pronađena statistički značajna razlika prilikom procjene usamljenosti (UCLA p=0,589, SPS p=0,833) i socijalne odredbe. Statistički je značajna razlika pronađena jedino u duljini trajanja bolesti, gdje je vidljivo kako slobodni, odnosno rastavljeni, imaju značajno kraću duljinu trajanja bolesti u odnosu na ostale skupine (p=0,019). Zaključak: Postoje razlike u socijalnoj odredbi i usamljenosti starijih osoba koje boluju od kroničnih tjelesnih bolesti s obzirom na spol, dob, bračni status, s kim žive i duljinu trajanja kronične bolesti. |
Abstract (english) | Aim:Examine social provision and loneliness among older people suffering from chronic physical illnesses due to their gender, age, marital status, who live and duration of chronic diseases. Examinees and methods: The study included 46 people over 60 years who suffer from one or more chronic diseases. All respondents are from Department of Internal Medicine, Clinical Hospital Centre Osijek. Two standardized scales were used as instruments for research, SPS (Social Provision Scale) and UCLA Loneliness Scale by Daniel Russell. Results: From the highest possible score of 80, the UCLA loneliness scale, the average score of respondents was 49,63 ± 5,23, while the highest possible results of 96, the average value of the SPS scale was 61,43 ± 6,69. Looking SPS subscales, the highest score is 24, but the average value of guidance was 10,37 ± 1,94, reassurence of worth was 10,9 ± 1,9, social integration 07,10 ± 1,53, nurturance 9,87 ± 1,71 attention 10.2±1.87 and 10,85 ± 1,63 reliable. In the analysis of scales and subscales of sex in any case were not found statistically significant differences (p> 0,05). With regard to marital status, it is found a statistically significant difference in the assessment of loneliness (UCLA p = 0,589, p = 0,833 SPS) and social provisions. A significant difference was only found in the duration of the disease, where it is shown how the free, or divorced respondents have a significantly shorter dismantled duration of the disease compared to the other groups (p = 0,019). Conclusion:There are differences in social provisions and loneliness of elderly people suffering from chronic physical illnesses due to their gender, age, marital status, who live and duration of chronic diseases. |