Abstract | CILJ: Cilj je istraživanja bio utvrditi zastupljenost fibrilacije atrija kod bolesnika s akutnim moždanim udarom, utvrditi spolnu i dobnu distribuciju bolesnika s fibrilacijom atrija, utvrditi udio bolesnika s fibrilacijom atrija koji su prije nastupa moždanog udara uzimali antikoagulantnu profilaksu te udio bolesnika koji su zadobili ishemijski moždani udar unatoč provođenju antikoagulantne terapije. ISPITANICI I METODE: Ispitivanjem su obuhvaćena 224 bolesnika s akutnim moždanim udarom tijekom zadnjeg tromjesečja 2014. godine liječena na Klinici za neurologiju Kliničkog bolničkog centra Osijek. Podatci su prikupljeni uvidom u medicinsku dokumentaciju. Bilježeni su spol i dob bolesnika, ima li ili nema bolesnik fibrilaciju atrija, je li koristio antikoagulantnu terapiju prije nastanka moždanog udara. REZULTATI: Fibrilaciju atrija ima 44 (19,6 %) ispitanika. Jednak broj muškaraca i žena 22 (50 %) ima fibrilaciju atrija. Značajno su stariji ispitanici, medijana dobi 80 godina koji imaju fibrilaciju atrija (P< 0,001). Od ukupno 22 (9,8 %) ispitanika koji uzimaju antikoagulantnu terapiju, značajno je više onih koji imaju fibrilaciju atrija (P < 0,001). Udio bolesnika s fibrilacijom atrija koji su uzimali antikoagulantnu terapiju prije nastupa akutnog moždanog udara je 21 (47,7 %). Unatoč provođenju antikoagulantne terapije moždani je udar zadobio 21 (95,5 %) bolesnik. ZAKLJUČAK: Petina oboljelih od moždanog udara ima fibrilaciju atrija, nema značajnih razlika u dobi i spolu. Nešto više od polovine bolesnika s fibrilacijom atrija prije nastanka moždanog udara nije uzimala antikoagulantnu terapiju. Značajan broj bolesnika, njih 21, dobili su ishemijski moždani udar unatoč korištenju antikoagulantne terapije. |
Abstract (english) | AIM: The aim was to establish the prevalence of atrial fibrillation among patients suffering from acute strokes, to determine gender and age distribution of the patients with atrial fibrillation, to determine the amount of patients with atrial fibrillation who took anticoagulant prophylaxis before they had a stroke and to determine the amount of patients who suffered an ischemic stroke despite being on anticoagulation therapy. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: 224 patients with acute stroke, who were treated in Neurology Clinic of Medical Centre Osijek, participated in the research. The data was collected from medical documentation (history of the illness, medical tests done during hospitalisation). Gender and age of the participants were logged, whether the patient has or has not atrial fibrillation, whether atrium fibrillation was earlier verified and whether anticoagulation therapy was used before the stroke. RESULTS: 44 participants (19,6%) have atrium fibrillation. The same number of men and women, 22 (50%), have atrium fibrillation. Significantly, the older participants, with the median of 80, have atrium fibrillation (P<0,001). Out of 22 (9,8%) participants who take anticoagulation therapy, there are significantly more of them who have atrium fibrillation (P<0,001). The amount of patients with atrium fibrillation who were taking anticoagulation therapy before the acute stroke is 21 (47,7%). Despite taking anticoagulation therapy, 21 participants (95,5%) suffered a stroke. CONCLUSION: One fifth of the patients suffering from stroke has atrium fibrillation. There are no significant differences in age and gender. However, on average, out of all the patients suffering from stroke, older patients are the ones who have atrial fibrillation and suffer from stroke. Slightly more than half of the patients with atrium fibrillation did not take anticoagulation therapy before they had a stroke. A significant number of patients, 21 of them, had an ischemic stroke despite being on anticoagulant therapy. |