Abstract | Uvod:Hormoni štitnjače utječu na brojne fiziološke procese u organizmu, od regulacije rasta stanica i njihove diferencijacije pa sve do regulacije samog metabolizma. Hipotireoza je najčešći endokrinološki poremećaj kojeg prate snižene koncentracijehormona štitnjače, T4 i/ili T3, uz povećanu koncentraciju TSH. Subklinička hipotireoza je kliničko stanje koje prati umjereno povišena koncentracijaTSH u serumu uz istovremeno normalne koncentracije T3 i T4. Cilj istraživanja:Cilj je ovog istraživanja ispitati je li subklinička hipotireoza povezana s proaterogenim lipidnim statusom i upalnim biljezima koji se smatraju čimbenicima rizika kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Ispitanici i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno na ženskoj populaciji koja je podijeljena u dvije skupine: I) eutiroidna (N=77; prosječne dobi 63 godine), II) subklinička hipotireoza (N=74; prosječne dobi 61 godina). Uzorci venske krvi dobiveni su venepunkcijom u epruvete s aktivatorom zgrušavanja (Becton, Dickinson and Company, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA). Koncentracije TSH, FT4, FT3, Anti-TPO i Anti Tg izmjerile su se kemiluminiscentnom imunoanalizom na UniCel DxI 600 imunokemijskom analizatoru (Beckman Coulter Inc., Brea, USA). Kolesterol, trigliceridi, HDL-kolesterol, LDL-kolesterol, Apo A1, Apo B i CRP odredili su se na Beckman Coulter AU 680 analizatoru (Beckman Coulter Inc., Brea, USA) s reagensima iste firme i to CRP, Apo A1 i Apo B imunoturbidimetrijskom metodom, a kolesterol, trigliceridi, HDL-kolesterol i LDL-kolesterol enzimatskom spektrofotometrijskom metodom. Rezultati:Anti-TPO antitijela zastupljenija su u skupini ispitanika sa subkliničkom hipotireozom: 55/74 vs 20/77 u eutireoidnoj skupini (P<0,001; Fisher egzaktni test). Ispitanici sa subkliničkom hipotireozom imali su statistički značajno više prosječne vrijednosti kolesterola (5,97 vs 5,24; P<0,001), LDL-kolesterola (3,38 vs 2,96; P=0,001) i Apo B (1,06 vs 0,92; P<0,001). Ispitivanjem povezanosti TSH s pojedinim parametrima lipidnog statusa dobivena je slaba korelacija samo s kolesterolom (rho=0,25; P=0,002). Zaključak:Istraživanjem je dokazano da funkcija štitnjače može imati važan utjecaj na lipidni profil u našoj populaciji te da bi zbog mogućih potencijalno opasnih posljedica pacijentima sa subkliničkom hipotireozom trebalo provjeriti i lipidni status kako bi se osigurala rana dijagnoza i terapija tog stanja. |
Abstract (english) | Introduction: Thyroid hormones influence the numerous physiological processes in the body, such as the regulation of cell growth and their differentiation as well as the regulation of the metabolism itself. Hypothyroidism is the most common endocrine disorder associated with decreased thyroid hormone concentrations, T4 and/or T3, along with increased TSH concentration. Subclinical hypothyroidism is a clinical condition monitored by a moderately elevated TSH concentration in the serum with normal T3 and T4 concentrations. Objectives: The aim of this study is to examine whether subclinical hypothyroidism is associated with proatherogenic lipid status and inflammatory markers considered to be risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Participants and Methods: The study was conducted on a female population divided into two groups: I) euthyroid (N = 77, mean age 63), II) subclinical hypothyroidism (N = 74, mean age 61 years). Venous blood samples were obtained by venepuncture in clot activator tubes(Becton, Dickinson and Company, Franklin Lakes, NY, theUSA). Concentrations of TSH, FT4, FT3, Anti-TPO and Anti Tg were measured by chemiluminescence immunoassay on the UniCelDxI 600 immunochemical analyser (Beckman Coulter Inc., Brea, USA). Cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, Apo A1, Apo B and CRP were determined on Beckman Coulter AU 680 analyser (Beckman Coulter Inc., Brea, USA) with reagents of the same company including CRP, Apo A1 and Apo B immunoturbidimetric method, while cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol were determined by enzymatic spectrophotometric method. Results: Anti-TPO antibodies were more represented in the subclinical hypothyroidism group: 55/74 vs. 20/77 in the euthyroid group (P<0.001; Fisher’s exact test). Subclinical hypothyroidism subjects had statistically significantly higher average cholesterol levels (5.97 vs. 5.24, P<0.001), LDL cholesterol (3.38 vs. 2.96, P=0.001), and Apo B (1.06 vs. 0.92; P<0.001). Examination of TSH correlation with certain lipid status parameters resulted in poor correlation with cholesterol alone (rho=0.25; P=0.002). Conclusion: The research has shown that thyroid function may have an important influence on the lipid profile in our population and that potentially dangerous consequences for patients with subclinical hypothyroidism should also be inspected for lipid status to provide early diagnosis and therapy for this condition. |