Sažetak | Cilj istraživanja: Glavni je cilj doktorskoga rada ispitati percepciju bolesnika, medicinskih sestara i studenata sestrinstva o važnosti međuodnosa medicinske sestre i bolesnika tijekom sestrinske skrbi. Nacrt studije: presječno istraživanje Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 672 ispitanika: 291 bolesnik hospitaliziran minimalno 48 sati, 155 medicinskih sestara/medicinskih tehničara s licencijom za samostalan rad i 226 studenata preddiplomskog i diplomskog studija Sestrinstvo. Instrument ispitivanja bio je anketni upitnik. Prvi dio upitnika sadrži pitanja o općim obilježjima ispitanika, a drugi je dio standardizirani upitnik Međuodnos medicinska sestra – bolesnik; Caring Nurse-Patient Interactions Scale inačica za medicinske sestre/studente/bolesnike sa 70 čestica. Rezultati: Percepcija međuodnosa medicinska sestra – bolesnik značajno se razlikuje prema ukupnim srednjim vrijednostima percepcije bolesnika, medicinskih sestara i studenata (P < 0,001). Najviše srednje vrijednosti imaju studenti (aritmetička sredina = 4,41; standardna devijacija = 0,77), a najnižu vrijednost imaju medicinske sestre (aritmetička sredina = 4,17; standardna devijacija = 0,46). Rezultati pokazuju značajne razlike u percepciji međuodnosa medicinske sestre i bolesnika između skupina bolesnika i medicinskih sestara (P < 0,001) te između skupina studenata i medicinskih sestara (P < 0,001). Nema značajne razlike u percepciji međuodnosa između skupine bolesnika i skupine studenata, P = 0,725). Percepcija bolesnika, medicinskih sestara i studenata sestrinstva, prema područjima skrbi, značajno se razlikuje u svih deset područja skrbi (P < 0,001). Značajne razlike u percepciji svih triju skupina ispitanika prisutne su u područjima humanizam, osjetljivost i odnos pomaganja (P < 0,001). Značajnih razlika nema između bolesnika i studenata u područjima nada (P = 0,180), izražavanje osjećaja (P = 0,510), rješavanje problema (P = 0,160), poučavanje (P = 0,690). Zaključak: Postoje značajne razlike u percepciji bolesnika, medicinskih sestara i studenata sestrinstva o važnosti međuodnosa medicinske sestre i bolesnika tijekom skrbi. Medicinske sestre međuodnosu medicinske sestre i bolesnika pridaju značajno manje važnosti u odnosu na bolesnike i studente. Značajne razlike u percepciji svih triju skupina ispitanika prisutne su u područjima humanizam, osjetljivost i odnos pomaganja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Aim: To research the importance of nurse-patient interaction during nursing care as perceived by patients, nurses, and nursing students. Design: cross-sectional study Participants and methods: There were 672 respondents: 291 patients who were hospitalized for at least 48 hours, 155 registered nurses, and 226 undergraduate and graduate nursing students. The instrument of the research was a questionnaire. The first section of the questionnaire consists of general information questions, while in the second section the standardized Caring Nurse-Patient Interactions Scale: 70-item (nurse/nursing student/patient version) is used. Results: The perception of the nurse-patient interaction varies significantly in relation to mean values of patients, nurses and nursing students (P < 0.001). The results showed the highest mean values in students (arithmetic mean = 4.41; standard deviation = 0.77), and the lowest mean values in nurses (arithmetic mean = 4.17; standard deviation = 0.46). There are significant differences in perception of nurse-patient interaction between nurses and patients (P < 0.001), as well as between nursing students and nurses (P < 0.001). There is no significant difference in perception of nurse-patient interaction between patients and nursing students (P = 0.725). Patients', nurses' and nursing students' perceptions differ significantly in all 10 fields of care (P < 0.001). There are significant differences in perception of all three groups of respondents in fields of humanism, sensibility and helping relationship (P < 0.001). There are no significant differences between patients and nursing students in the fields of hope (P = 0.180), expression of emotions (P = 0.510), problem-solving (P = 0.160), teaching (P = 0.690). Conclusion: There are significant differences in perception of the importance of nurse-patient interaction during nursing care among patients, nurses, and nursing students. Nurses attach less importance to nurse-patient interaction than patients and nursing students. There are significant differences in all respondent groups in the fields of humanism, sensibility and helping relationship. |