Sažetak | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati povezanost traumatskih iskustava u
djetinjstvu s autodestruktivnim ponašanjem kao i s eksplicitnim sramom, narcističkom
vulnerabilnošću i ljutnjom u odraslih bolesnika s GPL-om. Također je jedan o ciljeva
istraživanja bio i ispitati medijacijsku ulogu narcističke vulnerabilnosti, eksplicitnog srama i
ljutnje u odnosu između traumatskih iskustava u djetinjstvu i autodestruktivnog ponašanja.
Nacrt studije: Provedeno je presječno istraživanje u Klinici za psihijatriju i psihološku
medicinu KBC Zagreb.
Ispitanici i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 111 bolesnika s GPL-om, liječenih
u Klinici za psihijatriju i psihološku medicinu KBC Zagreb, od kojih su 28 (25,2%) bili
muškarci a 83 (74,8%) žene. Prosječna dob muškaraca iznosila je 41,2 godina, a žena 36,5
godina. U istraživanju su korišteni sljedeći instrumenti: Kratki međunarodni neuropsihijatrijski
intervju (M.I.N.I.), Upitnik trauma u djetinjstvu (CTQ-SF), Inventar patološkog narcizma
(PNI), Skala doživljaja srama (ESS), Upitnik agresivnosti (AQ), Upitnik samoozljeđujućeg
ponašanja (SHI), Upitnik graničnog poremećaja ličnosti (BPQ), Beckov inventar anksioznosti
(BAI), Beckov inventar depresivnosti ver. II (BDI II).
Rezultati: Prema rezultatima analize spola i dobi ustanovljeno je da je omjer spolova
podjednaki u svim dobnim skupinama, dominacija ženskih ispitanika ostala je jednaka za sve 3
dobne skupine. Dobiveni rezultati pojedinih mjernih instrumenata komparabilni su i s
rezultatima drugih istraživanja. Istraživanjem je utvrđena pozitivna povezanost traumatskih
iskustava u djetinjstvu s autodestruktivnim ponašanjem kao i povezanosti s eksplicitnim
sramom, narcističkom vulnerabilnošću i ljutnjom. Rezultati medijacijske analize pokazali su da
su narcistička vulnerabilnost, eksplicitni sram i ljutnja pojedinačno medijatori u odnosu između
traumatskih iskustava u djetinjstvu i autodestruktivnog ponašanja u odraslih bolesnika s GPLom, no u modelu simultane analize eksplicitni sram je marginalizirao utjecaj narcističke
vulnerabilnosti kao i ljutnje te se u tom slučaju mogao smatrati jedinim značajnim medijatorom.
Zaključak: Ovaj rad nudi pažljivo konstruiranu analizu te je provedeno istraživanje pokušalo
povezati nekoliko modaliteta bitnih za psihičko funkcioniranje odraslih bolesnika s GPL-om.
Istraživanjem je potvrđena međusobna povezanost traumatskih iskustava u djetinjstvu,
autodestruktivnog ponašanja, narcističke vulnerabilnosti, srama i ljutnje. Simultanom
medijacijskom analizom utvrđeno je kako je jedino sram od potencijalnih medijatora imao
dominantan i značajan utjecaj na odnos između traumatskih iskustava u djetinjstvu i
autodestruktivnog ponašanja u odraslih bolesnika s GPL-om. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Research Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the association between
childhood traumatic experiences and self-destructive behavior, as well as with explicit shame,
narcissistic vulnerability, and anger in adults with BPD. Another objective of the study was to
explore the mediating role of narcissistic vulnerability, explicit shame, and anger in the
relationship between childhood traumatic experiences and self-destructive behavior.
Study Design: A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Department of Psychiatry and
Psychological Medicine, University Hospital Centre Zagreb.
Participants and Methods: The study was conducted on a sample of 111 patients with BPD
treated at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine, University Hospital
Centre Zagreb, of which 28 (25.2%) were male and 83 (74.8%) were female. The average age
of the males was 41.2 years, while that of the females was 36.5 years. The following instruments
were used in the study: Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.), Childhood
Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ-SF), Pathological Narcissism Inventory (PNI), Experience of
Shame Scale (ESS), Aggression Questionnaire (AQ), Self-Harming Behavior Questionnaire
(SHI), Borderline Personality Disorder Questionnaire (BPQ), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI),
and Beck Depression Inventory ver. II (BDI II).
Results: The gender and age analysis results showed that the gender ratio was equal in all age
groups, with the dominance of female participants remaining consistent across all three age
groups. The obtained results of individual measurement instruments are comparable to the
results of other studies. The study found a positive association between childhood traumatic
experiences and self-destructive behavior, as well as associations with explicit shame,
narcissistic vulnerability, and anger. Mediation analysis results indicated that narcissistic
vulnerability, explicit shame, and anger individually mediated the relationship between
childhood traumatic experiences and self-destructive behavior in adult patients with BPD.
However, in the simultaneous analysis model, explicit shame marginalized the influence of
narcissistic vulnerability and anger, in this case, being considered the only significant mediator.
Conclusion: This study offers a carefully constructed analysis, and the conducted research
attempted to link several modalities crucial for the mental functioning of adults with BPD. The
study confirmed a mutual correlation between childhood trauma, self-destructive behavior,
narcissistic vulnerability, shame, and anger. Simultaneous mediation analysis determined that
only shame among potential mediators had a dominant and significant impact on the
relationship between childhood traumatic experiences and self-destructive behavior in adult
patients with BPD. |