Sažetak | Cilj: ispitati prehrambene navike učenika petih razreda osnovne škole, utvrditi razlike u prehrambenim navikama prema socioekonomskim čimbenicima učenika, ispitati stupanj uhranjenosti učenika te utvrditi razliku u prehrambenim navikama u odnosu na spol. Ispitanici i metode: Provedena je prosječna studija koja je obuhvatila 234 ispitanika. Kao instrument korišten je anonimni anketni upitnik s 21 pitanjem koji je kreiran za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Antropometrijskim mjerenjem ispitanicima je izmjerena tjelesna visina i težina. Iz izmjerenih podataka o masi i visini ispitanicima je određen status uhranjenosti prema kriterijima SZO (2007.) percentilnih krivulja prema dobi i spolu ispitanika. Kategorijski podatci predstavljeni su apsolutnim i relativnim frekvencijama. Numerički podatci opisani su aritmetičkom sredinom i standardnom devijacijom u slučaju raspodjela koje slijede normalnu, a u ostalim slučajevima medijanom i granicama interkvartilnog raspona. Razlike kategorijskih varijabli testirane su Hi-kvadrat testom, a po potrebi Fisherovim egzaktnim testom. Normalnost raspodjele numeričkih varijabli testirana su Shapiro-Wilk testom. Sve P vrijednosti su dvostrane. Razina značajnosti postavljena je na Alpha = 0,05. Za statističku analizu koristio se statistički program MedCalc Statistical Software version 14.12.0. Rezultati: Istraživanje je provedenona 234 ispitanika, od kojih je 46,6 % dječaka i 53,4 % djevojčica. Iz sela je 77 % ispitanika, a kod 84 % ispitanika roditelji žive zajedno. Medijan dobi ispitanika je 11,5 godina, a medijan visine 152 cm. Značajno je veći indeks tjelesne mase prema centilama kod dječaka, medijana 69 centila. Neuhranjenih je 14 % ispitanika, normalne tjelesne težine 68,4 %, prekomjerne tjelesne težine 4,3 % a pretilo je 11,1 % ispitanika. Značajno su neuhranjene više djevojčice, dok su dječaci češće prekomjerne tjelesne težine. Zaključak: Iz dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti da u osnovnim školama Međimurske županije najviše ima normalno uhranjenih ispitanika ali i 11,1 % pretile djece što je zabrinjavajući podatak unatoč brojnim edukacijskim programima i savjetima. Vrlo je važno osigurati kvalitetne obroke u osnovnim školama. Istraživanje ostavlja mogučnost daljnje intervencije medicinskih sestara i lječnika školske medicine i samih roditelja na savjetovanje o pravilnoj, uravnoteženoj i zdravoj prehrani. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objective: analyse dietary habits of pupils attending the fifth grade of primary school, establish differences in dietary habits according to socio-economic factors of the pupils questioned, analyse the level of nutritional status amongst pupils, as well as establish the differences in dietary habits concerning the gender. Respondents and methods: An average study has been conducted that included 234 respondents. An anonymous survey questionnaire was conducted, comprising of 21 questions, prepared for this research. The respondents’ weight and height were measured through anthropometric measurement. Based on the measured data concerning the weight and the height of the respondents, their nutritional status was established in accordance with the criteria set forth by WHO (2007) in percentile curves according to the age and gender of the respondents. Categorical data has been presented in absolute and relative frequencies. Numerical data has been described through arithmetic mean and standard deviation in case ofdistribution that follows the normal, whilst in other cases through the median and within the interquartile range. The differences between categorical variables were tested through Chi-square test and, if required, through Fisher’s exact test. The normality of distribution of numerical variables was tested through Shapiro-Wilk test. AllP values were two-sided. The level of significance was set to Alpha = 0.05. MedCalc Statistical Software version 14.12.0 was used in statistical analysis. Results: The research was conducted on a sample of 234 respondents, of which 46.6 % were boys and 53.4 % girls. 77 % of the pupils questioned were from rural areas, whilst in case of 84% respondents their parents lived together. The median age of the respondents was 11.5 years old, whereas the median height was 152 cm. Body mass index in percentiles was significantly higher amongst boys, the median standing at 69 percentiles. 14 % of the respondents were undernurished, 68.4 % were of normal weight, 4.3 % were overweight, whilst 11.1 % of those questioned were obese. The number of girls who were undernurished was significantly higher, whereas boys were more frequently overweight. Conclusion: Based on research findings, a conclusion can be reached that in primary schools of Međimurje County there was the greatest number of respondents of normal weight, yet 11.1 % of those questioned were obese, which is a matter for concern due to a large number of educational programmes implemented and the advice provided on the issue. Ensuring quality meals in primary schools is crucial. The researchprovides room for further intervention by nurses and physicians specialised in school medicine, as well as the parents, concerning the issue of consultancy on proper, balanced and healthy diet. |