Sažetak | Plazmacitoza, karakterizirana prolaznom prisutnošću poliklonskih plazma stanica u cirkulaciji, čest je, ali nedovoljno istražen, hematološki nalaz kod dengue infekcije. Najizraženija je u akutnoj fazi tijekom prvog tjedna bolesti i potpuno nestaje u roku 14 dana od pojave simptoma. Cilj istraživanja: Usporediti kliničke simptome i vrijednosti broja trombocita, leukocita i limfocita u bolesnika s dengom prema spolu, dobi i danima bolesti, ispitati pojavnost plazmacitoze i utvrditi najvišu vrijednosti u diferencijalnoj krvnoj slici prema danima bolesti. Nacrt studije: Presječna studija. Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanje su uključeni odrasli bolesnici oba spola, s potvrđenom dengom, liječeni u Klinici za infektivne bolesti "Dr. Fran Mihaljević" u Zagrebu, u četverogodišnjem razdoblju od ožujka 2016. godine do veljače 2020. godine te su analizirane povijesti bolesti uz odobrenje Etičkog povjerenstva Klinike. Kao programska potpora u provedbi istraživanja korišten je programski paket Microsoft Excel 2019 MSO (16.0.10364.20059). Rezultati: Prikupljeni su i analizirani podatci za 16 bolesnika (10 žena, 6 muškaraca), od 24 do 64 godine. U žena prosječno nalazimo veći broj simptoma (4,5) za razliku od muškaraca (3,3) koji su u prosjeku stariji od žena. Najveći broj simptoma se najčešće javlja između petog i šestog dana bolesti. Dokazana je plazmacitoza koja je najviše prisutna sedmog dana bolesti s prosječnom vrijednosti 13 %, trombocitopenija koja je prisutna od trećeg do devetog dana bolesti, lekocitopenija prisutna od trećeg do šestog dana i limfocitopenija prisutna drugog dana bolesti. Zaključak: Provedenim istraživanjem utvrđeno je da je uz trombocitopeniju, leukocitopeniju i limfocitopeniju, plazmacitoza jedan od ključnih pokazatelja dengue infekcije uz ostale kliničke simptome. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Plasmacytosis, characterized by the transient presence of polyclonal plasma cells in the circulatory system, is a common, but insufficiently investigated, hematological finding in cases of dengue infections. It is most pronounced in the acute phase during the first week of the disease and disappears completely within 14 days of the onset of symptoms. Research Objective: To compare clinical symptoms and platelet, leukocyte, and lymphocyte counts in dengue patients with regard to sex, age, and disease development days, to examine the incidence of plasmacytosis, and to determine the highest values in the differential blood count according to disease development days. Study Draft: Cross-sectional Study. Subjects and Methods: The study included adult patients of both sexes, with confirmed dengue infection, treated at the University Hospital for Infectious Diseases “Dr. Fran Mihaljevic” in Zagreb, in the four-year period from March 2016 to February 2020, and their medical histories were analyzed with the approval of the Hospital's Ethics Committee. The software package Microsoft Excel 2019 MSO (16.0.10364.20059) was used as software support in the implementation of the research. Results: The data of 16 patients (10 women, 6 men), aged 24 to 64 years, was collected and analyzed. On average, women have a higher number of symptoms (4.5) than men (3.3) who are older, and the highest number of symptoms most often occurs between the Days 5 and 6 of disease development. There was evidence of plasmacytosis, which is most present on Day 7 of the disease with an average value of 13 %, thrombocytopenia present on Days 3 to 9 of the disease, leukopenia present on Days 3 to 6, and lymphocytopenia present on Day 2 of the disease. Conclusion: The study found that, in addition to thrombocytopenia, leukopenia and lymphocytopenia, plasmacytosis is one of the key indicators of dengue virus infection, along with other clinical symptoms. |