Sažetak | CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Utvrditi broj dijagnosticiranih melanoma tijekom pet godina, utvrditi učestalost melanoma ovisno o klasifikaciji prema Breslowu i Clarku, usporediti proliferacijski indeks prema patohistološkim stadijima po Breslowu i Clarku. USTROJ STUDIJE: Retrospektivna studija. ISPITANICI I METODE: Obuhvaćeno je 189 melanoma dijagnosticiranih na Zavodu za patologiju i sudsku medicinu KBC-a Osijek tijekom pet godina (2012. - 2016.). Uzorci tkiva bojeni su standardnim hemalaun-eozin bojenjem. Napravljena je i imunohistokemijska obrada na melan A, HMB45 i Ki-67. Za imunohistokemijsku obradu koristio se automatizirani bojač Ventana BenchMark Ultra marke Roche i monoklonska primarna antitijela marke Roche. REZULTATI: Većina ispitanika bili su muškarci (59,8 %). Melanomi su najčešće dijagnosticirani na koži (93,2 %), prvenstveno na koži trupa (42,3 %). Prema klasifikacijama po Clarku i Breslowu, najzastupljeniji stupnjevi bili su Clark III (32,4 %) i Clark IV (32,4 %) te Breslow I (28,4 %). Najčešća lokalizacija melanoma u odnosu na klasifikaciju po Clarku bio je trup (45,4 %), kao i kod klasifikacije po Breslowu (45,1 %). Najviše ispitanika imalo je visoke vrijednosti Ki-57 (47,1 %), najčešće u stupnju Clark IV (23,9 %) i Breslow V (15,9 %). Najviše ispitanika imalo je nizak broj mitoza (70,4 %), najčešće u stupnju Clark III (26,7 %) i Breslow I (26,7 %). ZAKLJUČAK: Obrazloženje za veliku pojavnost raka kože jest to što je koža najveći čovjekov organ. U dijagnostici melanoma neophodna je imunohistokemijska obrada tumorskog tkiva na melan A i HMB45, određivanje Ki-67 kao i stupnjevanje po Clarku i Breslowu. |
Sažetak (engleski) | OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine the number of diagnosed melanoma in a five year period, to determine the frequency of melanoma depending on the classification of Clark and Breslow staging. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: There were 189 melanomas diagnosed at Clinical Department of Pathology and Forensic Medicine at Clinical Hospital Centre Osijek in a five year period (2012 – 2016). Tissue samples were stained by standard hemalaun eosin staining. All samples were immunohistochemically treated for Melan A, HMB45 and Ki-67. Immunohistochemistry treatment included automatic machine Ventana BenchMark Ultra brand Roche and monoclonal primary antibodies brand Roche. RESULTS: Most of the respondants were males (59.8 %). The most common localization of melanomas was skin (93.2 %) with the highest percentage on torso (42.3 %). According to Clark and Breslow classifications, the most common stages were Clark III (32.4 %), Clark IV (32.4 %) and Breslow I (28,4 %). The most common localization of melanomas in Clark classification was torso (45.4 %), same as in Breslow classification (45.1 %). The most patients had very high value of Ki-67 (47.1 %), most frequently in Clark IV stage (23.9 %) and Breslow V stage (15.9 %). The most patients had a very low number of mitosis (70.4 %), most frequently in Clark III stage (26.7 %) and Breslow I stage (26.7 %). CONCLUSION: Explanation for high skin cancer frequncy is the fact that the skin is the biggest human organ. In diagnostics of melanoma immunohistochemistry treatment of tumor tissue is necessary for Melan A and HMB45, defining Ki-67 as well as staging by Clark and Breslow. |