Sažetak | Cilj: Ispitati zadovoljstvo korisnika zdravstvenom zaštitom, odnosom zdravstvenih i drugih djelatnika, smještajem, čistoćom i prehranom tijekom boravka u Lječilištu Bizovačke toplice. Nacrt studije: Provedena je presječna studija. Ispitanici i metode: U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 330 ispitanika na bolničkoj rehabilitaciji u Lječilištu Bizovačke toplice od 1. ožujka do 30. lipnja 2017. godine. Kao instrument istraživanja upotrijebljen je anketni upitnik „HCAHPS Survey“. Rezultati: Postoji razlika u zadovoljstvu bolesnika prema spolu. Žene su zadovoljnije odnosom i skrbi fizioterapeuta (P = 0,007). Ispitanici starije dobi značajno su niže ocijenili odnos i skrb medicinskih sestara, liječnika, fizioterapeuta, administratora (P < 0,001), spremačica (P = 0,009), konobara (P = 0,001), nezadovoljniji su primjenom lijekova protiv bolova (P < 0,001) te općenito primjenom lijekova (P = 0,003). Ispitanici koji žive u gradu nezadovoljniji su odnosom i skrbi fizioterapeuta (P = 0,03). Ispitanici s (ne)završenom osnovnom školom nezadovoljniji su odnosom i skrbi medicinskih sestara (P = 0,005), liječnika i administratora (P = 0,006) u odnosu na ispitanike sa završenom srednjom školom i studijem. Ispitanici koji su provodili rehabilitaciju u drugim lječilištima višom su ocjenom ocijenili odnos i skrb spremačica (P = 0,03). Značajno veću ukupnu ocjenu Lječilištu, deset, dale su žene, ispitanici koji žive na selu te oni s (ne)završenom osnovnom školom. Zaključak: Ispitanici su zadovoljni zdravstvenom zaštitom, odnosom zdravstvenih i drugih djelatnika, smještajem, čistoćom i prehranom tijekom boravka u Lječilištu Bizovačke toplice. Postoji razlika prema spolu, dobi, razini obrazovanja, mjestu boravka i rehabilitaciji u drugim lječilištima. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Aim: To examine the user satisfaction with health care, the relationship of health and other employees, accomodation, cleanliness and nutrition during their stay in Bizovačke Toplice Rehabilitation Centre. Study design: Cross-sectional study was conducted. Participants and method: 330 participants that were involved in hospital rehabilitation in Bizovačke Toplice Rehabilitation Centre, from March 1st to June 30th 2017. A survey that was used as questionnaire is "HCAHPS Survey“. Results: There is a difference in patient satisfaction by gender. Women are more satisfied with the relationship and care of physiotherapists (P = 0.007). The elderly respondents are significantly less satisfied with the relationship and care of nurses, doctors, physiotherapists, administrators (P <0.001), shelters (P = 0.009), waiters (P = 0.001), also they were more dissatisfied with pain medication (P <0.001) and generally with drug administration (P = 0.003). Residents living in the city are more dissatisfied with the relationship and care of physiotherapists (P = 0.03). Participants with (in)completed elementary school are more dissatisfied with the relationship and care of nurses (P = 0.005), doctors and administrators (P = 0.006) compared to participants with completed high school and studies. Participants who carried out rehabilitation in other health centers rated the maid's relationship and care better (P = 0.03). Significantly higher overall rating of the health center, ten, was given by women, rural residents and those with (in)completed elementary school. Conclusion: The participants are satisfied with the health protection, the relationship of health and other employees, accommodation, cleanliness and nutrition during their stay in the Bizovačke Toplice Rehabilitation Centre. There is a difference in satisfaction in gender, age, level of education, place of residence and rehabilitation in other health resorts. |