Sažetak | Cilj istraživanja: Provjera potencijalnog rizičnog ponašanja na računalu studenata sestrinstva u Puli anonimnom anketom u kojoj je ispitano koliko su studenti upoznati sa sigurnošću korištenja interneta te o čuvanju vlastitih podataka. Na temelju dobivenih odgovora te usporedbe s referentnim istraživanjem, odnosno prosječnim korisnikom interneta, može se zaključiti koliko je tko potencijalno rizičan prilikom korištenja interneta. Nacrt studije: Ispitivanje je provedeno kao presječno. Ispitanici i metode: U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 38 studenata preddiplomskog studija sestrinstva. Ispitivanje je provedeno upotrebom validiranog znanstvenog upitnika „Upitnik znanja i rizičnog ponašanja korisnika informacijskog sustava“ (UZRPKIS) sastavljenog od 33 pitanja koja se ocjenjuju bodovima na Likertovoj ljestvici od 1 do 5, pri čemu ponuđeni odgovori imaju različita značenja. Rezultati: Čak 97,4% studenata nikada ne otkriva tajni PIN bankovne kartice, a jednak postotak je i onih koji nikada ne odgovaraju na mailove nepoznatih pošiljatelja. Nažalost, samo 73,7% nikada neće otvoriti nepoznati privitak poslan mailom, 23,7% ispitanika rado će podijeliti pristupne podatke računalu, dok će se gotovo polovica, njih 44,7%, redovno prijaviti na račun e-pošte na javnom mjestu. Njih 63,2% misli da će mu možda netko ukrasti novac s bankovnog računa, a 26,4% prilično su ili potpuno uvjereni da će im netko ukrasti identitet na internetu. Porazan je podatak da čak 42,1% nikada ili gotovo nikada ne zaključava računalo bez nadzora, a njih troje (7,9%) nikada se ne odjavljuje s računala nakon završetka rada. Od šest subskala koje su obrađene, u dvije subskale interval odgovora lošiji je od referentnog istraživanja, dok su u četiri subskale pulski studenti pokazali bolje poznavanje računalne tehnologije. Zaključak: Uspoređujući obrađeno istraživanje s prijašnjim istraživanjem, može se zaključiti kako se studenti preddiplomskog studija sestrinstva iz Pule ne ponašaju rizičnije na internetu od prosjeka, ali lakše odaju pristupne podatke računalu. Pozitivno je što su svjesniji važnosti zaštite svojih podataka te da su komunikacijski kanali nesigurni, ali svejedno prevelik je broj iznimaka koji kvare ukupan rezultat. Također, svjesniji su važnosti pravilne pohrane podataka. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objectives: The aim of the research was to check upon the potential risky behaviour of nursing students in Pula by an anonymous opinion poll in which they were asked about the level to which they were familiar with the safety of Internet use and the preservation of personal information. Based on the obtained results, and in comparison to the reference research, i.e. the average Internet user, it can be concluded who is under potential risk while using the Internet and to what extent. Study design: Cross-sectional study Respondents and methods: There were 38 students of the university undergraduate study of nursing participating in this research. The research was conducted by using the validated questionnaire „Questionnaire on the knowledge and risky behaviour of information system users“ which consists of 33 questions evaluated by points on a five-point Likert scale. The answers offered have different meanings. Results: As many as 97.4 % of students never reveal their secret bank card pin, and the same amount of them never answers to emails sent by unknown senders. Unfortunately, only 73.7 % of them would never open an unknown attachment sent by email. There are 23.7 % of respondents who would happily share their computer access data, while almost half of them, or 44.7 %, regularly log in to their email account in a public place. As many as 63.2 % of them think that someone could steal money from their bank account, while 26.4 % of them are quite or completely sure that someone could steal their identity on the Internet. It is a devastating data that even 42.1 % of them never or almost never lock their unattended computers, while three of them (7.9 %) never log out of their computers after finishing work. Out of the six processed subscales, there are two subscales where the answer interval is worse than in the reference research, while in the remaining four subscales the Pula students show a better understanding of computer technology. Conclusion: By comparing the processed research to the former one it can be concluded that students of the undergraduate study of nursing in Pula do not behave riskier on the Internet than the average student, but they reveal their computer access data more easily. It is positive that they are aware of the importance of their personal data protection, and that communication channels are unsafe, but there are still a large number of exceptions that ruin the result. They are also more aware of the importance of correct data storage. |