Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Ispitati utječe li duljina izloženosti Sunčevom zračenju bitno na pozitivan COX-2 nalaz i ispitati povezanost duljine izloženosti Sunčevom zračenju s jačinom pozitivnih nalaza u promatranim tkivima spojnica. Nacrt studije: Prospektivna, case-control studija. Ispitanici i metode: 189 punoljetnih ispitanika operiranih na Odjelu za očne bolesti u KBC-u Osijek u razdoblju 2010. – 2015. godine. Prvu skupinu čini 119 (63 %) ispitanika operiranih zbog primarnog pterigija spojnice oka III. i IV. stupnja. Drugu (kontrolnu) skupinu čini 70 (37 %) ispitanika operiranih zbog senilne katarakte. Tijekom zahvata uzima se tkivo spojnice te se imunohistkemijski analiziraju uzorci na COX-2 aktivnost. Podatci o izloženosti Sunčevom zračenju upotpunjuju se meteorološkim podatcima. Rezultati: Nema značajne razlike u izloženosti Sunčevom zračenju i analizi COX-2 aktivnosti prema skupinama niti ima razlike u nalazu aktivnosti COX-2 prema spolu i skupinama. Značajno je slaganje u vrijednosti nalaza u tkivu pterigija i u parnom uzorku spojnice (McNemar-Bowkerov test, P < 0,001). Značajna je povezanost godina izloženosti (Spearmanov koeficijent korelacije ρ= 0,173 P = 0,04) s jačinom nalaza, a jako dobra s brojem sati izloženosti po godini izloženosti. Porastom sati izloženosti povećava se i jačina pozitivnih nalaza COX-2 aktivnosti (Spearmanov koeficijent korelacije ρ= 0,527 P < 0,001). Logističkom regresijom ocijenjen je utjecaj više čimbenika na vjerojatnost da će se kod promatranih ispitanika razviti pozitivan nalaz COX-2. Model sadržava osam varijabli (spol, dob ispitanika, izloženost solarnoj ekspoziciji u satima i godinama, utjecaj mjesta stanovanja, hipertenzija, dijabetes, kardiomiopatija). Najjači je prediktor trajanje izloženosti u godinama, zatim u satima prema godini izloženosti. ROC analiza pokazuje da je bolji dijagnostički pokazatelj izloženost u satima po godini prema godini izloženosti (senzitivnost = 80,9, specifičnost = 85,7, P < 0,001) te određuje cut-off točku (točku razlučivanja) od 183,7 sati po godini izlaganja, odnosno 45 godina ukupnog izlaganja. Zaključak: Duljina izloženosti Sunčevom zračenju (u godinama i satima po godini izloženosti) bitno utječe na pozitivan nalaz COX-2 aktivnosti i trajanje izloženosti povezno je sa jačinom pozitivnih nalaza u promatranim tkivima spojnica. |
Abstract (english) | Research Objective: To inspect whether the duration of exposure to Sun radiation significantly affects the positive COX-2 finding and to inspect the correlation of exposure to Sun radiation with the strength of positive test results in observed conjunctival tissues. Study Design: Prospective, case-control study Participants and Methods: 189 adults operated at the Department of Ophthalmology at University Hospital Centre Osijek in the period 2010 - 2015. The first group consists of 119 (63%) subjects who underwent 3rd and 4th degree primary pterygium of the eye conjunctiva surgery. The second (control) group consists of 70 (37%) subjects who underwent senile cataract surgery. The conjunctival tissue was taken during the procedure, and the samples were immunohistochemically analyzed for COX-2 activity. Data on exposure to Sun radiation was complemented with meteorological data. Results: There is no significant difference in exposure to Sun radiation and COX-2 activity analysis among the groups nor are there differences in COX-2 activity by gender or group. Significant is the match of result values in the pterygium tissue and in the paired sample of conjunctival tissue (McNemar-Bowker test, P < 0.001). There is a significant correlation of the years of exposure (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient = 0.173 P = 0.04) and a very good correlation of exposure hours per year of exposure with the strength of a finding, respectively. The increase in exposure hours increases the strength of positive COX-2 activity findings (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient = 0.527 P < 0.001). Using logistic regression, the influence of several factors on the likelihood of COX-2 being positive in the observed subjects was assessed. The model consists of eight variables (gender, age of participants, exposure to Sun in hours and years, influence of place of residence, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiomyopathy). The strongest predictor is the duration of exposure in years, then in hours by year of exposure. ROC analysis shows that a better diagnostic indicator is exposure in hours per year than the years of exposure (sensitivity = 80.9, specificity = 85.7, P <0.001) and determines a cut-off point (point of differentiation) of 183.7 hours per exposure year or 45 years of exposure in total. Conclusion: The duration of exposure to Sun radiation (in years and hours per year of exposure) significantly affects the positive findings of COX-2 activity and correlates with the strength of positive findings in the observed conjunctival tissues. |