Abstract | Ciljevi istraživanja: Opisati tijek zaraze trihinelozom i značajke kontrole bolesti, kao i ispitati
kliničke, hematološke, biokemijske i serološke značajke bolesnika s trihinelozom. Također, ispitati
povezanost laboratorijskih nalaza i kliničke slike bolesnika, te usporediti nalaze dobivene za
vrijeme primitka pacijenta u hitnu ambulantu Klinike za infektologiju KBC-a Osijek tijekom
epidemije trihineloze 2021. godine, s nalazima na kontrolnom pregledu.
Nacrt studije: Povijesna kohortna studija.
Bolesnici i metode: Istraživanje obuhvaća 20 bolesnika s potvrđenom trihinelozom u 2021.godini,
koji su regrutirani s područja Osječko-baranjske županije i ambulantno liječeni u Klinici za
infektologiju, KBC-a Osijek. Podatci o kliničkim simptomima te laboratorijskim nalazima
prikupljeni su iz dostupne medicinske dokumentacije u Klinici za infektologiju. Statistička obrada
učinjena je u računalnom programu MedCalc.
Rezultati: Postoji značajna razlika u laboratorijskim nalazima analiziranim pri prvom i
kontrolnom pregledu i to laktat dehidrogenaze, kreatinina, kreatin-kinaze, C-reaktivnog proteina
te troponina I, no nema značajne razlike u vrijednostima leukocita, eozinofila, te aspartat- i alaninaminotransferaze.
Zaključak: Promatrane vrijednosti pri prvom pregledu bolesnika u Hitnoj infektološkoj ambulanti
bile su očekivane i u skladu s uobičajenom kliničkom i laboratorijskom slikom trihineloze, te je
nakon protuparazitarne terapije klinički vidljivo poboljšanje stanja bolesnika, a u laboratorijskim
nalazima smanjenje vrijednosti ranije eleviranih promatranih parametara te smanjenje samog
broja bolesnika čije su vrijednosti bile povišene, odnosno vratile su se unutar refrentnog intervala. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: To describe the course of trichinellosis infection and the characteristics of disease
control, as well as to investigate the clinical, hematological, biochemical, and serological features
of patients with trichinellosis. Additionally, to examine the nexus between laboratory findings and
the clinical presentation of patients, and to compare the results obtained during the admission of
patients to the emergency room of the Clinic for Infectious Diseases at the Clinical Hospital Centre
in Osijek during the 2021 trichinellosis epidemic, with the findings during follow-up examinations.
Study design: Historical cohort study.
Patients and methods: The study includes 20 patients with confirmed trichinellosis in the year
2021, recruited from the Osijek-Baranja County region and treated at the Clinic for Infectious
Diseases, Clinical Hospital Centre Osijek. Data regarding clinical symptoms and laboratory
findings were collected from available medical records at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases.
Statistical analysis was performed using the MedCalc software program.
Results: There is a significant difference in the laboratory findings analyzed during the initial and
follow-up examinations, specifically in lactate dehydrogenase, creatinine, creatine kinase, Creactive protein, and troponin I values. However, there is no significant difference in the values of
leukocytes, eosinophils, as well as aspartate and alanine aminotransferase.
Conclusion: The observed values during the initial examination of patients in the Emergency
Infectious Disease Clinic were as expected and consistent with the typical clinical and laboratory
profile of trichinellosis. After antiparasitic therapy, there is a clinically noticeable improvement in
the patients' condition, with laboratory results showing a decrease in the values of previously
elevated observed parameters, as well as a reduction in the number of patients whose values were
elevated, i.e., they returned within the reference range. |