Abstract | Ciljevi: Cilj rada bio je ispitati pojavnost PSG-a i odrediti učestalost pojedinih PSG-a, ispitati utjecaj rizičnih čimbenika i pozitivne obiteljske anamneze te povezanost spola, godine rođenja i karakteristika nakon rođenja s pojavom PSG-a
Nacrt studije: dvogodišnje retrospektivno istraživanje
Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanje je uključeno 162 djece s dijagnozama prirođenih srčanih grešaka rođenih između 1. 1. 2014. i 31. 12. 2015. godine, a za dobivanje podataka korištena je medicinska dokumentacija.
Rezultati i zaključak: Podjednako je ispitanika obaju spolova i godina rođenja. Dijagnoza PSG-a najčešće se postavlja neposredno nakon rođenja, a trajanje gestacije, rodna masa i Apgari najčešće su uredni. 44,9 % ispitanika ima veliku, a 55,1 % ispitanika ima malu PSG. Značajno su češći jednostavni PSG-i, a najčešći od svih PSG-a je VSD (45,2 %). Drugi najčešći PSG je PDA, koja je nešto češća kod muških ispitanika. Postoji značajna povezanost između genetskih sindroma i pojave PSG-a. Od sindroma najčešći je Downov sindrom (17,7 %), a u njemu se ističu VSD, ITV i AVSD. Rizičnim čimbenicima izloženo je 48,4 % ispitanika, a pozitivne obiteljske anamneze na PSG ima 6,5 %, tj. 9,7% na genetske sindrome. Foramen ovale češća je mala PSG (97,4 %) te nema značajnih razlika u spolnoj i dobnoj raspodjeli. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the incidence of congenial heart defects (CHD) and to determine the frequency of CHD. Furthermore, the study aimed to examine the impact of risk factors and positive family history as well as gender, birth year and characteristics at birth with the emergence of CHD.
Study outline: A two-year retrospective study
Participants and Methods: The study included 162 children with a diagnosis of congenital heart defects born between 1st Januaty 2014 and 31st December 2015. The data was obtained from the medical records.
Results and Conclusions: There was equal number of subjects of both sexes and years of birth. CHD diagnosis is most often given immediately after birth, and the length of the gestation, birth weight and Apgar score are usually within the normal range. There were 44.1% patients with major CHD, and 55.1% patients with minor CHD. Significantly more often minor CHD was found and ventricular septal defect is the most common CHD (45.2%). Second most common CHD is persistent ductus arteriosus, which is somewhat more common in male respondents. There is a significant association between genetic syndromes and the appearance of CHD. The most common syndrome is Down syndrome (17.7%), which highlights the ventricular septal defect, tricuspid insufficiency and atrioventricular septal defect. Risk factors set forth the 48.4% of respondents, such as positive family history, the CHD have 6.5%, i.e. 9.7% of the genetic syndromes. Foramen ovale is more frequent minor CHD (97.4%) and significant difference in gender and age distribution was not found. |