Abstract | CILJ RADA: Ispitati da li različiti sociodemografski, osobni te okolišni čimbenici utječu na vremensku duljinu dojenja i vrijeme uvođenja krute hrane kod djece. ISPITANICI I METODE: U istraživanju su sudjelovale 134 žene koje su rodile u periodu od 1.1.2013. do 1.3.2015. na području u nadležnosti Doma zdravlja Zagreb - zapad. Trajanje istraživanja je iznosilo dva mjeseca. Podatci su se prikupljali putem anketnog upitnika koji se temelji na upitniku korištenom u istraživanju Cunningham, Jackson i Oickle (2009). REZULTATI: 51,5 % ispitanica je prije nego li su zatrudnjele odlučile na koji način će hraniti svoje dijete. Majčino mlijeko kao isključiv odabir, navodi 90,3 % ispitanica. Tijekom trudnoće 37,3 % ispitanica je planiralo dojiti od 9 do 12 mjeseci, a dok god to dijete bude željelo 29,9 % ispitanica. Tijekom trudnoće njih 12 % je pušilo cigarete, a 10 % ispitanica je prestalo kada su saznale da su trudne. U prvih pet mjeseci prestalo je dojiti 25,4 % ispitanica. Najčešći razlog prestanka dojenja je djetetovo odbijanje dojke što navodi 25,4 % ispitanica. Uzorke hrane za dojenče zaprimilo je 24,6 % ispitanica, a njih 11,9 % iskoristile su dobivenu hranu za hranjenje svog djeteta. ZAKLJUČCI: Majke niže naobrazbe s prethodno utvrđenom namjerom dojenja dulje doje svoju djecu, dok dob majke, bračno stanje, primanja, broj djece, pušenje tijekom perioda dojenja, postpartalni boravak u bolnici duži od 72 sata te dužina korištenja porodiljnog dopusta nisu povezani s duljinom dojenja. Majke višeg stupnja obrazovanja te one koje su isključivo dojile prvih šest mjeseci kasnije uvode krutu hranu, dok majke s najvišom razinom prihoda te one s muškim djetetom ranije uvode krutu hranu. Dob majke, broj prethodne djece, dobivanje besplatnog uzorka hrane za dojenčad, pušenje majke te pohađanje trudničkog tečaja ne utječu na vrijeme uvođenja krute hrane. |
Abstract (english) | OBJECTIVE OF THESIS: Investigate whether different sociodemographic, personal and environmental factors affect the duration of breastfeeding and the point of introduction of solid foods to infants. RESPONDENTS AND METHODS: the investigation included 134 women that gave birth within the time period of 1st of January 2013 and 1st of March 2015 in the area of competence of the Community Health Centre (“Dom zdravlja”) Zagreb-West. The investigation period was two months. Data was collected through the use of a questionnaire based on the questionnaire used in the Cunningham, Jackson and Oickle survey (2009). RESULTS: 51.5 % of respondents had decided on the feeding of their infant prior to conception. 90.3 % of the respondents state breastmilk as exclusive choice. During pregnancy, 37.3 % of the respondents planned to breastfeed from 9 to 12 months and 29.9 % until the baby wished. During pregnancy, 12% of the respondents smoked, and 10 % of the respondents stopped smoking as soon as the learned that they had become pregnant. During the first five months, 25.4 % of the respondents stopped breastfeeding. As the most common reason for the stopping of breastfeeding, the respondents stated that the baby refused to nurse. 24.6 % of the respondents were given baby food samples, and 11.9 % used the received food samples to feed their baby. CONCLUSION: Mothers with lower education levels and targeted breastfeeding intention breastfeed their children longer, while the mother’s age, marital status, income, number of existing children, smoking habits during nursing period, postpartum stay in hospital longer than 72 hours and the maternity leave length are not related to the duration of breastfeeding. Mothers with a higher education level, as well as those breastfeeding exclusively during the first six months, introduce solid foods to their infants later, while mothers with the highest income, as well as those with a male baby, do introduce solid food earlier. The mother’s age, number of existing children, free baby food samples, the mother’s smoking habits and antenatal class attendance do not affect the time of introduction of solid foods. |