Abstract | Cilj:Utvrditi jesu li medicinske sestre/tehničari u jedinicamaintenzivnog liječenja izloženi stresu, koji su čimbenici odgovorni za pojavu stresa i utječe li stres na radnu sposobnost.
Nacrt studija: presječna studija
Ispitanici i metode: Sudionici istraživanja su sestre/tehničari zaposleni u jedinicama intenzivnog liječenja. Podatci su prikupljani putem upitnika o stresorima na radnom mjestu i upitnika za određivanje indeksa radne sposobnosti.
Rezultati: Istraživanje je uključivalo 86 ispitanika. Većina ispitanih radno mjesto doživljava kao izvor stresa. Žene, kojih je uidio 84 %, iskazuju veći stres nego, muškarci (srednja vrijednost skale stresa 48,9; p=0,028). Manjak djelatnika kao izvor stresa navodi 44% prepterećenost poslom 34%, 24-satnu odgovornost 35%, strah od zaraze 38%, a sukob s nadređenima 13% ispitanika. Noćni rad stresan je za 20%, a vremensko ograničenje za izvođenje poslova za 17% ispitanika.njih 51% ocjenjuje svoju radnu sposobnost prilično dobrom, a 34% jako dobrom. Niža je ocjena radne sposobnosti u žena 3,3 (interkvartilnog raspona 2,8 do 3,5; p=0,026). Veći stres negativno korelira s ocjenom radne sposobnosti (Spearmanov koeficijent korelacije (p=-0,377 p< 0,001).Profesionalni i intelektualni zahtjevi (p=-0,388 p< 0,001) i smjenski rad (p=-0.382 p <0,0,001) najviše utječu na ocjenu radne sposobnosti.
Zaključak: Zdravstveno osoblje zaposleno u jedinicam intenzivnoga liječenja doživljava svoje radno mjesto kao izvor stresa. Manjak djelatnika, preopterećenost poslom, strah od zaraze, 24-satna odgovornost, vremensko ograničenje za izvođenje poslova te sukob s nadređenima, navode kao najvažniji čimbenik stresa. Žene su podložnije stresu nego muškarci, što negativno utječe na njihovu radnu sposobnost. Profesionalni i intelektualni zahtjevi i smjenski rad najviše utječu na radnu sposobnost. |
Abstract (english) | Objective: To determine whether the nurses in intensive care units are exposed to stress, which are the factors responsible for the occurrence of stress, the influence of the stress on the working capacity of the employees.
Draft study: cross-sectional study
Patients and Methods: Participants in the investigations regarding the nurses and technicians working in intensive care units. Data were collected through questionnaires on stress in the workplace and a questionnaire to determine the Work Ability Index.
Results: The study included 86 examinees. Most of them perceived their workplace as a source of stress. Women, whose share is 84% reported bigger stress than men (mean value of the scale of stress 48,9: P=0,028). The lack of workers as a source of stress is stated by 44% of examinees, work overlod is the source of stress for 34% of questioned workers in intensive care, 24-hour responsibility for 35% of them, fear of infection for 38% of them, and the conflict with superiors is the sourceof stress for 13% of respondents. Night work is stressful for 29%, and the time limit for carrying out daily tasks is stressful for 17% 0f respondents 51% of them evaluate their ability to work well, and 34% very good. The lower the rating of working capacity in women 3,3 (interquatile range of 2,8 to 3,5; p=0,026). Bigger stress negatively correlated with the assessment of working capacity (Sppearmans correlation coeffcient (p=-0,388; p<0,001). The professional and intellectual requirements (p=-0,382; p<0,001) and shift work (p<0,001) may influence assessment of work capacity.
Conclusion: The health staff working in intensive care units experience their workplace as a sourceof stress. Lack of staff, workoverload, fear of infection, 24-hour responsibility, the timelimit for carrying out daily tasks and conflict with superiors, are cited as the most imoortant stress factors. Women are more susceptible to stress than men, which adversely affects their ability to work. Profesional and intellectual demands and shift work have the greatest impact on working ability. |